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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 4

“Dad... I’m sure he will treat me well. Don’t worry!”

Lin Wen Xin knew that even though Lin Gao Hai had arranged this marriage for her, he also cared about her happiness and did not want her to feel wronged in any way.

Lin Gao Hai knew about the story of her first love in high school. But for some reasons, Lin Wen Xin did not want to share with Lin Gao Hai tonight that the boy she loves, is actually Wang Shen Ze.

She felt that somehow, it was not the right time to share this piece of news. Especially when she saw how Wang Shen Ze was indifferent to her earlier at the charity auction event.

After a few moments of silence, Lin Wen Xin said, “Dad... there is something that I will share with you, but... now is not the right time to do so...”

“Mmm it’s okay, Dad understands. Share with me when the time is right.” Lin Gao Hai gave Lin Wen Xin an assuring smile.

Lin Wen Xin was naturally touched by what Lin Gao Hai said, and felt as though a burden has been lifted off her shoulders.

Lin Gao Hai has always been understanding towards Lin Wen Xin and respected her. He has never forced her to say or do anything that are against her wishes.

Lin Gao Hai knew that even though Lin Wen Xin is still considered young in his heart, she has always been very clear of what she wanted and is able to make her own decisions independently.

As a father, he has always felt that he is lacking in so many ways and have not done enough for Lin Wen Xin.

Even though he has tried his best to provide all that he could for her, it would never be able to fully replace the loss of Lin Wen Xin’s mother and grandparents whom she was close with.

“Wen Xin, Granny Wang has invited us out for dinner next week. Will you be free? She wants to discuss details about your marriage with Shen Ze.”

“Alright, I will make time for it. Just let me know the time and location.” Lin Wen Xin replied.

“Okay, that’s good! Then have a good rest tonight. You still have work the next morning.”

“Yes dad, you too. Have a good rest!”


The Next Morning, At Lin Corporation

Lin Wen Xin walked quickly into the office’s lobby. She has just started her designer job few weeks ago and is still considered to be a new employee.

She was already late the previous time and she definitely can’t be late again today!

Even though this company is owned by her father, Lin Gao Hai, she had pleaded him to not disclose her as his daughter.

This means that Lin Wen Xin could not take her father’s car to the company and have to squeeze in with other commuters on the bus and train.

She wanted her father to treat her just like any other employee in the company.

She wanted to climb up the ranks in the company and build her career with her own effort.

As such, she had went through the formal interview process in the company and proceeded to be selected as the lowest ranking fashion designer in the company.

Lin Wen Xin had always been the best fashion design student in university, and have submitted many outstanding work.

She had also received several awards and her classmates even crowned her with a nickname “Queen of Fashion”.

Lin Wen Xin panted, as she took the lift up to the 10th floor of the office.

“Lin Wen Xin!!”

Lin Wen Xin froze and shut her eyes tightly as she heard Sister Fei Yi’s loud voice from across the office.

How embarrassing! Who knows how many people are staring at her right now!

Lin Wen Xin slowly opened her eyes and walked towards Sister Fei Yi’s desk.

“Sister Fei Yi... Sorry, I am a minute late...”


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