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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 5


Yi Fan quickly reported, “The girl’s identity has been found. But the investigator still needs some time to arrange for her to meet up with you.”

“I will give him another two weeks! Nothing more than that!”

“Yes, President Wang. I understand.” Yi Fan bowed slightly.

“Leave!” Yi Fan received Wang Shen Ze’s order and left the office immediately.

In the office, Wang Shen Ze stood in front of the large glass windows and stared at the view.

Since his office building is the tallest in the capital, he seems to have everything under his grasp and could only look down at the people beneath his feet.

He could make millions of dollars in every few hours. He has the power to make any company collapse within a night. But why is it that he could not even find his little girl?

Where is she? How has she been?

Has she been eating enough? Is she being bullied?

Wang Shen Ze could not stop thinking of the news that Yi Fan had reported to him.

“Xin Xin... I will make sure to find you!” Wang Shen Ze thought to himself, with a look of determination.


Three days later, at Lin Corporation

Today is the day that Lin Wen Xin has to submit her design draft.

Thankfully she has been on time for the past few days! Otherwise she would not know what to do if Sister Fei Yi shortened her deadline again.

Sister Fei Yi was also satisfied with the draft that Lin Wen Xin has submitted.

She went on to give Lin Wen Xin some pointers and gave her another two weeks to submit her final piece of work.

Lin Wen Xin returned to her desk and was about to take a short break when she saw a text message from her father.

[Wen Xin, see you later for dinner! Don’t be late. And remember to dress nicely!]

[Get the chauffeur to drive you there, I will be heading to the restaurant directly from the office.]

Lin Wen Xin widened her eyes with surprise. “Oh my!! Tonight is the dinner?? I totally forgot about it!” She sighed softly as she knocked lightly on her head.

She had been too busy with the submission of her draft that she has completely forgotten about the dinner!

She immediately went to apply for a half day leave with Sister Fei Yi and rushed home to get ready.


At the Lin’s Residence

Lin Wen Xin stared at her wardrobe for a long time and could not decide what to wear.

Should I wear this? Or should I wear that?

How about this? It looks pretty good too!

The discussion with herself went on for nearly an hour before deciding to wear a sleeveless white dress with squared neckline, paired with a high quality lilac knitted outerwear.

She is also wearing her branded high heels with a white quilted luxury bag.

She took out one of her expensive perfume and sprayed a few times in front of her. After confirming that it is the smell she wanted to go for, she sprayed on her wrists and rubbed it against her neck.


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