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My beloved wife novel Chapter 150

After Selena changed her clothes, the two of them went to the hospital where Rita was.

Rita was handling her patients' admission, and the doctor was going to give her a full examination. She was queuing up to pay the hospitalization expenses. The cashier nurse who received the money recognized Rita when she saw her ID card. She whispered to the nurse next to her, "Hey, isn't this Rita Gu? It's that shameless woman! She married Mr. Aaron but cheated on him!"

"Yes, yes, it's her. I have seen her photos. She looks like to be normal. I really don't know what Mr. Aaron likes about her. Eh, look at her..."

The nurses pointed at Rita. She came alone without any acquaintance around her. She buried her head and just wanted to pay the money and stay in the ward.

Just at this moment, a big and rough woman came out from nowhere. She raised her voice suddenly and shouted at Rita with a livid face, "Shameless bitch! You seduced my boyfriend! You fucking have a husband, but you still slept with my boyfriend! Is there anyone more shameless than you? You bitch! Go to hell!"

As soon as the woman roared, people around her all kicked up a fuss. Several women came out of nowhere, raised their sleeves, slapped on Rita's face and pulled her hair.

Rita's face was red and swollen, and blood seeped from the corner of her mouth.

Those women didn't give up. They punched and kicked Rita with all their full strength. "Bitch! Shame on you!" Along came the condemning words.

"Bitch! Who are you showing off to?"

"Come on, tear her clothes off and see what kind of slut she is!"

Someone shouted. Several women rushed up and pressed Rita's arms and legs. Rita shouted desperately, "No! No!"

Seeing this, some people around couldn't bear to see this mess and tried to stop, but they were drove away by those women. "She is a shameless woman! How can you still sympathize with her? Are you the same as her?"

Now no one dared to go forward. The people around watched Rita being pressed on the ground by more than a dozen women and beaten wildly.

"No! Let go of me!"

Rita cried out desperately. At this time, someone kicked her belly. She was so painful that she almost fainted. Her face became pale, her lips were pale purple, and beans of sweat kept coming out on her forehead.

However, those women didn't seem to stop at all. Seeing that she was more and more painful, they were more pleased to beat her harder and harder. They pressed Rita's hands and feet, pulled her away, and several women kicked her belly and chest in succession. It was so painful that Rita was unable to resist.

"Strip her naked! Let's see how she will be as a human in the future!"

Hearing this, Rita opened her red and swollen eyes. If she was stripped naked, she would be too shamed to live on in the future!

No, she couldn't let them do that!

She tried her best to resist, but she was no match for them at all!

They just wanted to humiliate her in public!

Nora brought Selena here to watch the show, and she did not forget to invite Yvonne to join them. Yvonne always hated Rita so much. But unfortunately, Yvonne took Magee with her to come here.

Seeing this, Magee was extremely shocked!


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