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My beloved wife novel Chapter 156

In the hospital, Rita was still asleep after the operation.

Magee was guarding outside the ward, and several bodyguards sent by Wendy were standing outside all the time.

When Aaron came, he rushed over to punch Magee once he met him. The two of them even did not speak yet. The knitted brows of Magee became deeper.

Magee was not afraid of him. So he quickly gave a punch. The two men hit each other and fought in the corridor.

Seeing this, Wendy immediately asked the bodyguards to pull them away, but they failed.

"What do you want?" Magee looked at Aaron coldly. "Riri is in there, still in coma."

"Tell me, is she pregnant with your baby? Is that baby yours?"

"What are you talking about?"

Magee frowned. He had just thought for a long time outside the ward. Rita was pregnant for more than three months, but she was not with Aaron three months ago. Then who was the father of the baby?

Aaron gave him a punch as soon as he arrived here. It seemed that he must think it was him.

He was the only male who had a relationship with Rita before Rita, but he had never had sex with her. How could Rita be pregnant with his baby?

Magee pulled his shirt which had been crumpled by Aaron and looked up at him. "This baby is not mine. It has nothing to do with me. Don't sling mud at me casually."

"Then who is he? Who else did Riri like except for you? Don't be timid to admit it if you did!"

"It's really not mine. How can I admit it? Now Riri has a miscarriage. She has just had an operation and needs more rest. Don't make a fuss outside, okay?"

Aaron didn't want to talk to Magee any more. He had nearly gone crazy. What had happened recently surprised him. First, Rita had slept with another man, and now she was pregnant. Nobody knew who the father was. How could he not be angry? How could he stay calm?

He cherished Rita for fear that she would be wronged. But now, just look at how she treated him back.

What should he do? What did she want him to do? Didn't he do enough to love her? Why did she let him down again and again?

Did he not deserve her love, even if he had loved her for so many years?

After a moment's silence, Magee said, "if you really love Riri, you should go inside and see her."

Aaron couldn't accept the fact. So he did not move for a long time. Who was the baby's father? How many things had she done to disappoint him?

It was hard for him to imagine what would happen next. He turned around and said to Wendy, "let's go."

"Go? Why are you leaving so soon?"

Wendy did not understand why her boss was in a rush to go. 'It's not the style of Aaron. Does he really not want to go in and have a look at Ma'am Rita?'

But, any normal man could not accept it. The baby she was carrying was not Mr. Aaron's. How could he accept the fact of being a cuckold suddenly?


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