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My beloved wife novel Chapter 165

Kaley found that her words could not provoke Rita but only make herself be more angry, so she turned her face away, with her hands shaking terribly.

Soon, Nina came over. Seeing that Kaley was here, she rushed to Rita as soon as she entered the ward to protect Rita behind her. "What are you doing here?"

Fearing that Kaley would hurt Rita, Nina quickly shouted at her.

Kaley glanced back. "It's none of your business. I love to go where I want to go."

"I'm Rita's friend. You're not welcome here. Get out, now!" Nina knew the backgrounds of Kaley. She was one of the women of Aaron in the past time, and she was pregnant with a child of him. It was because of her that Rita had a quarrel with Aaron. This woman must come here to ridicule Rita.

Kaley snorted arrogantly, "Rita, just wait and see. I will be as the Mrs. Aaron sooner or later!"

After saying that, she swaggered out of the room, holding her bag with her.

Nina took out a bowl of chicken porridge in her hand, and put it on the table beside the bed and said, "Did that bitch say anything?"

"She said she was going to be Mrs. Aaron." Rita smiled helplessly. "I just want to see when she can take that position."

"Mrs. Aaron? She wants to be Mrs. Aaron? Come on! She's only a mistress. How could she be Mrs. Aaron? Even if Aaron is blind, he will not marry her." Nina was indignant for her best friend. Rita was conceived with Aaron's baby but now the baby was killed by others. That woman came to humiliate her. How excessive she was!

"You see how complacent she is? So ridiculous!" said Nina, frowning. "Let's see how long she will be the Mrs. Aaron."

Rita was silent and didn't know what to say.

"Don't be angry for this kind of woman. Riri, your task now is to take care of yourself," said Nina, after thinking of the doctor's instructions. "Don't be angry for this kind of woman. That will be not worth it. Come on, take some porridge."

Still without saying anything, Rita took the porridge from Nina and took it slowly.

Yes, why should she be angry for such a woman? It was not worth it. She had to take good care of herself and pay great attention to her body recovery. In the future, she had to depend on herself. She was an able-bodied person. She was not afraid that she would not be able to live on in the future.

"Nina," Rita blew on the porridge to cool it, then raised her head and said seriously, "I'm going to leave this city with my parents."

"What?" Nina couldn't believe it. She stared at her and asked, "Why? Because of Aaron?"

"Yes, I don't want to stay here any longer. I'm going to change a place to live a new life."

After saying that, Rita smiled at Nina, "You will support me, right?"

After suffering so many things, Rita became a laughing stock in the whole city. Even the small retailers who sold breakfast were talking about this at their leisure time. Her life was totally turned upside down. If she continue to stay here, she would only be more upset and more irritated.

Nina sighed, "Although I don't want to leave you, I definitely want you to live a happy life. Where are you going?"

"I don't know yet. My parents, they all support me. The three of us just want to live a peaceful life."

For her, her originally peaceful life had been thoroughly disturbed by the appearance of Aaron. Now it was not easy to return to peace.

But it didn't matter. People would soon forget her, the former Mrs. Aaron of the Leng family. More other gossip would be paid attention to, and she would be forgotten as time went by.

Nina sighed in her heart. She really felt sorry for Rita.

At this moment, Aaron was working in the office. Wendy brought her investigation results.


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