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My beloved wife novel Chapter 170

Frank didn't know what to say. He touched his shoulder and said, "Just let her take a good rest. Wait for her to awake before you go inside. She can't eat well or sleep well these days. And she got wet in the rain when driven out of the hospital, and her body condition is in a mess..."

His words made Aaron's heart ache. How could he be so stupid that he couldn't even see the truth?

Frank didn't go on, thinking that Aaron himself must be very uncomfortable now.

At this time, Wendy was trying everything to force Pitt to tell the truth. Pitt of course knew how powerful Aaron was now, and he was afraid of the power of the Leng family, so he quickly told Wendy what exactly happened.

Sure enough, there was something fishy about the whole matter.

When Wendy arrived at the previous private hospital and was about to find the doctor, she saw Kaley was also there to consult the doctor. She quickly hid aside and wanted to see what Kaley wanted to do.

"Doctor Wang, my belly hasn't shown yet. What should I do now?" Kaley sat inside and said to the doctor.

"You're only pregnant for two or three months now. It's not obvious to be seen. Try to wear some loose clothes."

What the hell? Only two or three months?

Wendy was totally confused. It was said that Rita had been pregnant for three months. But Kaley's pregnancy was only two or three months. What the hell was this doctor?

She couldn't sit still any longer and rushed in with the bodyguards. "Kaley, didn't you say that you were pregnant for three or four months and it's Mr. Leng's baby. But as far as I know that he has driven you away two months ago!"

Kaley didn't expect that Wendy would rush in at this time. She raised her head and looked at Wendy in great horror. "I... It's... Well Wendy..."

"You rogue doctor!" Wendy waved at the bodyguard behind her and said, "Take him with us and let him explain to Mr. Aaron himself. Let him tell Mr. Aaron what was exactly going on."

The doctor was scared to death. "I didn't do anything wrong. Who are you? You people... Why did you say to take me away?"

"I've just recorded your conversation," said Wendy, taking out her phone. "Just tell the police what you have done!"

Kaley was almost scared out of her wits. She walked up to Wendy, grabbed her hand and begged, "Wendy, if you don't tell Aaron about today's matter, I will give you whatever you want after I become Mrs. Aaron. Look, did Rita even give you something as Mrs. Aaron? Why are you trying to help her? If you can help me this time, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life."

Kaley was experienced and calm in this kind of situation. She didn't believe that there was no trouble that couldn't be solved with money. So she tried to negotiated with Wendy.

Wendy sneered and acted as if she was interested in her negotiation. "How much money do you plan to give me?"

Kaley thought there was hope to hide this matter, so she immediately answered, "As long as you tell your price, I won't beat a bargain with you."

"Where did you get so much money to give me?"


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