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My beloved wife novel Chapter 172

Rita didn't say anything for a long time and just stared at Aaron tightly. It was really Aaron Leng in front of her. She was not in the dream.

But she was still confused whether she was still dreaming. She just could not believe her own eyes.

She secretly pinched herself under the quilt. 'Ouch, it hurt.' So she now realized that she was not in the dream.

"It's me, Riri," Aaron said as he stepped forward and stroked her forehead. "I'm really here."

"Well, why are you here? Why are you here Aaron Leng?" She was totally stunned. This man was really Aaron. "Do you come here to divorce me?"

"You silly girl."

"I'm so sorry." Thinking of what happened that night, she bit her lips. "It's all my fault. I betrayed you."

And she was worried that how should she tell him about the baby. Their baby was dead after she had a miscarriage, but she had to tell him the truth.

"Our baby is gone. That's your baby. Trust me..."

As soon as she finished speaking, tears rolled down her cheeks.

Her words and her tears hurt Aaron so hard.

He felt terrible and also guilty at the moment.

He wanted to lift her up from the bed, but he didn't dare to touch her for fear of hurting her.

"Riri, I'm sorry. It's all my fault this time. It's all my fault. I did not believe you." He didn't know how to explain it to her. Stroking her cheek, he continued, "It's all right now. The misunderstandings have been cleared up. Riri, you didn't have sex with anyone else. It's Nora who set you up on purpose. And, about the baby... It was also her who found someone to deceive me. She asked the doctor to say that you were pregnant for three months so that I would misunderstand you. At that time, I was so angry at that time when you said you wanted to divorce me and I thought you were trying to revenge me by having sex with another man. And those photos were too designed by her. I'm really angry with the matters happening these days. What's more, they set up me by the matter involved Kaley. She is not pregnant with my baby at all. They colluded with the doctor to ask Kaley to sow discord between us, so that I would kick you out. That's their purpose! I'm sorry, Riri. I shouldn't have misunderstood you. I should believe in you. How could you betray me and do something wrong to me?"

Rita's heart ached so much that a drop of tear fell on the back of her cold hands.

Aaron held her soft hand, which was so cold that his heart ached at the same time. "Riri, don't be angry with me. I am sorry."

She pulled her hand out.

She hesitated when she heard Aaron confide all his true thoughts. When she needed him most, he was not there with her.


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