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My beloved wife novel Chapter 27

After Rita changing her clothes and showing up with Aaron, the noisy scene was controlled by Magee but it was still chaotic.

When Trisha, the mother of Magee, saw her dear daughter being tortured by a dozen hooligans, she was almost mad. When she saw Rita coming, she pointed at her and shouted, "You ungrateful bitch! What did you do to Yvonne?"

Hearing her words, everyone looked in their direction.

When the crowd saw that Rita came here one after another with Aaron, and Trisha pointed at her nose and scolded her. Rita looked terrible. "Aunt, watch your mouth. I did not anything to her."

She glared at Trisha, eyes full of contempt.

Trisha could no longer keep cool. "If you hadn't brought my daughter here, she wouldn't have been like this! She is hurt because of you! Rita, it was you!"

"Where is the evidence?" Rita smiled and said slowly, "You said I hurt her, do you have any evidence?"

At the same time, Trisha held the girl's hand, who was brought off by Yvonne to tell everyone that Rita had an affair with other men. What's more, she led Lambert and Selena upstairs to have a look. To everyone's surprise, it was Yvonne!

The girl's face turned pale with fright when she was dragged out of the room. She shook her head and answered, "I don't know."

"Did you see Rita messing around with these men?" But Trisha didn't give up. She grabbed the girl's arm and asked, "Is it true?"

Rita looked at them indifferently and wondered what they wanted to do.

"I... I didn't see it. I heard that from someone else." The girl didn't dare to tell a lie in front of so many people. When she was forced to do so, she started to cry in a low voice. "I don't know anything."

Haley pushed her away and pointed at Rita's nose with her trembling finger. "Rita, you are a bitch. I will not let it go!"

"Wendy, get her out of my face!" Aaron appeared in front of Rita with a cold expression on his face.

When he appeared, all the people around gave way to him as his king-like aura was irresistible.

"Riri has been with me all the time. How could she do harm to Yvonne?" said Aaron with a faint smile.

Suddenly, Aaron came to her and stood firmly in front of her to shelter her from any doubt. His words made people feel doubtful about what Trisha said.

"I'm really sorry," said Magee as he stepped forward to Trisha. "We haven't made an investigation yet. We can't wrongly accuse Riri of anything."


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