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My beloved wife novel Chapter 42

Wondering who that girl on the photo was, Rita felt gloomy all day long.

She had no mood to study, so she took out the phone and was going to check the tweets.

At this moment, a man sat opposite her and asked, "You are here by yourself?" The man looked very shy. His dimples in both cheeks were particularly cute, and he was full of youth and vitality. He was really a young pretty boy, sweet and innocent.

Rita looked him up and down and guessed that he might be only in his twenties. He should be a student.

Aaron Leng happened to be right. Someone did hit on her!

"I..." Rita stuttered. The young boy was very good-looking, with clean cut appearance and delicate features. His eyes were full of adolescent and pure light when Rita saw into them, as if they would melt her with tenderness.

She hesitated for a moment and said coyly, "Sorry, my husband will come right away."

That young man was surprised. Then he asked with a smile, "Do young girls always say that? You look like a teenage girl. How could you have a husband?"

"But I do have a husband."

Rita was speechless. That young boy completely ignored her words, pointing to the book she was reading, and said, "I'm also reviewing this subject. Let's study together. My name is Johnny Lu. What is your name?"

"I... Well... Um..." With an embarrassed but polite smile, Rita said, "Well, Mr. Johnny, I thank you for the praise, but you are wrong. I do got married."

Even if she didn't completely fall in love with Aaron Leng, she still didn't want to be involved in any affairs with other men. After all, she had the registered marriage with Aaron. They were a legal couple. If she was entangled with other men, that could be seen as marital infidelity.

"I just want to make a friend with you. Please don't misunderstand me," said Johnny with a typical innocent smile on his face. "Can you tell me your name?" he continued asking.

Rita clenched her phone in hands. If Aaron knew it, this Johnny would pay the price miserably.

"I know it even if you don't tell me," said Johnny, looking at her gently with his black eyes, and glimpsed the two words on her book. "Your name is Rita Gu."

Rita was completely helpless. Was it popular for the young men to pester girls? Luckily, Aaron wasn't here. Otherwise, she should have felt sorry for the pretty young boy.

"Well, now you know my name. Is that okay?"

With a bitter smile, Rita said, "Mr. Johnny, to be honest, I'm not interested in you."


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