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My beloved wife novel Chapter 44

Rita took the photo from Aaron and looked at it carefully. The photo was yellowing with the imprint of old time, but she could still see the girl's bright smile.

This girl looked so familiar to her.

Rita did not react for a while. Aaron reminded her beside, "Do you recognize her?"

She shook her head numbly. "No."

"This is you. You don't even recognize yourself?" he asked.

"What?" Rita had no impression of it at all. She didn't even remember when she had taken this picture! "What did you say? This is me?"

"This photo was taken when you were five years old," Aaron said with a gentle smile, looking at her. "Do you remember that a boy you called Brother Chubby when you were a kid?"

"Brother Chubby?"

Rita did remembered it. She clapped her hands and said, "I do remember that a boy who I called him Brother Chubby. He was a few years older than me, and he was really fat. He always came to visit us. My parents took me and him to the island park on a weekend. But I forgot his name."

Hearing her exclamation, Aaron smiled and patted her again on the head. "I'm your Brother Chubby."

Rita almost screamed out. She covered her mouth with her hands and said unbelievably, "That's impossible. Brother Chubby was really fat. I called him Chubby just because of his fat body."

"Well, you..." Aaron was so angry that he had to glare at her. "I've lost weight successfully."

"Really?" She was full of doubts, and she still couldn't believe it. After a long time, she came to her sense. "Is everything you said true? How did you lose your weight? You used to be as fat as a ball."

Rita was thinking about his weight losing!

"I lost weight by doing body building."

With her eyes wide open, Rita asked tentatively, "Are you real Brother Chubby?"

Aaron was speechless. "Why should I lie to you?"

"Then why did you keep my photo?" She stared at Aaron with a serious expression. "You have a secret crush on me?"

"Not secret crush." He reached out and held Rita in his arms. "When you were five years old, I told you that I would marry you once we grew up, but you didn't believe me. You even cried and said that you wouldn't marry me. But look at you now, still in my arms!"

Rita was confused.

When she was five years old, she always played with Brother Chubby, but before long, Brother Chubby went abroad. At that time, she was a very young child and forgot him when played with new friends.

How could she remember what she said in her childhood?


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