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My beloved wife novel Chapter 47

Rita did not cry. She just mumbled, "You can't say that about my mom!"

She could put up with whatever Selena said, except bad words to her mother.

"Did you see her manner of speaking?" Selena was so angry. "So this is a good wife you found? Where did you get such a crazy woman, Aaron?"

Maybe, from the beginning, Selena had a deep prejudice against Rita. No matter what Rita said or did, she would not accept her as her daughter-in-law.

Winking back her tears, Rita sniffed and bit her lips without a word.

Aaron felt heart pained and angry when he saw Rita was treated that way. He held Rita in his arms, staring at his mother, and said, "I know you are angry, but this is not the reason you could scold Riri. She did nothing. How could you vent your anger on her?"

He stared around at everyone present with murderous eyes, then back to Lance and said, "I am the one who wants to marry Riri. She is my woman. Don't even think to kick her out of the family. Never!"

In the end, he looked at Selena. "Ask yourself, isn't your marriage tragedy caused by yourself?"

Aaron hugged Rita more tightly and continued, "Riri is my wife. From now on, if anyone of you dares to treat her bad, I will not let it go easily!"

This last sentence was said especially to Nora.

Then he took Rita's hand and walked out.

"You, stop!" Selena rushed forward and shouted at her son, "Don't you know your situation now? If your elder brother inherits the Leng family, you will lose everything! The Su family is your backup. Will you be able to leave the supporter now?"

Selena's words shocked Rita.

Aaron turned around and glanced at Selena. He sneered, "You really think I care about this?"

Selena stared at her son in disbelief. She knew clearly how powerful his son was in the past, but he was willing to give up the Su family for the sake of Rita!

Was he really crazy?

"You don't care? Just try and leave the Su family!" Selena got so exasperated. "For this woman, you dare to go against me and your grandfather! Aaron, look at you. You think you are fully fledged and no longer need to respect us!"

"Riri is my wife. It's your own business whether you accept her or not. Actually I don't need your approval to regard her as the family member."

His tone was indifferent but firm.

Then he turned around and was about to leave when Selena yelled at him, "If you dare leave this house, you will never get any help from us Su family!"

Selena did not quite know much about her son indeed. Aaron would not care about this help.

Mr. Aaron was not interested in it at all.

Sure enough, Aaron did not wait for them to speak more, and left the house, holding Rita together.


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