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My beloved wife novel Chapter 49

As soon as Rita and Aaron came home, the maid Marin hurried up to them. "Mr. and Mrs. Aaron, you are back."

When Rita was picked up by someone from the Su family, Marin had been worried about her for the whole night. She looked after Aaron since he was a child. She watched Aaron grow up. So Aaron asked Wendy to arrange her to take care of Rita which proved that Rita was very important to Mr. Aaron.

"The food on the table are cold. Let me heat it up for you."

Seeing the tiredness on her madam's face, Marin was sure that Rita had no strength to cook.

Aaron then realized there was on the table full of delicate dishes, including fish, meat and soup, but it was a little cold. "You cooked all these, Marin?" he asked.

"All the food were cooked by Madam. She intended to wait for you to come back and have dinner together." Marin smiled.

Rita learned the cooking skills from her mother. She was good at cooking. All the dishes on the table showed that she did this with full heart.

'It seemed that Rita really begun to accept me.' Aaron thought.

Marin brought the dishes into the kitchen to heat them. In the living room, Aaron hugged Rita tightly and kissed her on the neck. "From now on, let Marin cook for you. Don't do it by yourself. Don't get tired."

Aaron hugged her more tightly. This girl was cooking for him at home at that time, but she was picked up to the Su family to be humiliated by his grandpa. She must feel very wronged.

Rita was the only daughter of the Gu family. Although the Gu family was not a notable family, she was also raised up with the support of her parents and an apple in her parents' eyes. She never did anything wrong. She just married him. That should not be the reason for her to suffer the humiliation by the whole Su family. Even if the Gu family arranged the blind date just for the sake of establishing the relationship with the Leng family, he was the man to decide to marry her. Why should Rita bear all the accusations? Why did everyone in the world want to curse her? She didn't do anything wrong, did she?

Aaron held her even more tightly. "Honey, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to leave me."

He wouldn't allow her to leave, not even a step.

"No, I won't."

In Rita's mind, marriage was a holy thing. She wanted to maintain the marriage with Aaron and keep it going.

However, what just happened in the Su family was like a thorn in her heart.

She really didn't know how to get rid of this thorn.

She leaned weakly in his arms, stretching out her hands to hold his waist. All she could count on now was Aaron.

She rested her head on his shoulder. "I thought you were just kidding before. You would not be serious at all. How could a person like you take love and marriage seriously?"

"Did you think badly of me in your heart?" he interrupted. "Am I not a normal human?"

"I don't think you would choose marriage and live a normal life like other people." She said seriously. In her opinion, Aaron was very beauish, with constant affairs with other women, who could be as a chief actor of a love novel.

Playboys like him really enjoyed themselves in the flowers of beautiful and different women.

"I am also an ordinary human, okay? I also have normal emotions, shame and desires." He rubbed her nose and continued, "You hold a prejudice against me."

Rita pouted and was about to refute, but her mouth was kissed by Aaron all of a sudden.

She goggled her eyes. Aaron pressed a kiss on her lips for a while before releasing her. "Honey, don't doubt me anymore. Do you know how hard it is for me to marry you?"

"Why hard? You just took a week and you succeeded."


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