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My beloved wife novel Chapter 52

Rita was a little flustered.

She had always felt that she and Aaron were in a marriage without love. The purpose of her marriage was very clear. She wanted to help the Gu family go through the difficult times. As for the reason why Aaron would marry her, she could not figure out.

He had a lot of choices around him. There were many daughters from the wealthy and noble families waiting for him to choose as a wife. Rita was curious about the reason why he would choose her only. Why did he marry her?

When Rita knew the truth, she could hardly be able to believe it.

She couldn't believe that he had loved her for such a long time.

"I thought you didn't want me to be pregnant in order to avoid future trouble," She lowered her head and continued, "so that once we get divorced we would not entangle with each other and If you want to dump me, you could just do it directly."

Aaron even wanted to laugh. "Riri, of course I want you to have a baby with me, because you are the woman I love most. But do you think I would let you to get pregnant without asking your willing? Then what do I take you for? A tool to bear children?"

He took her into his arms and continued, "Besides, you're in poor health, and you have period pains. It's definitely bad for your health to get pregnant now."

'Did he even knew my period pains? What else did he silently concern about her?'

Rita lowered her head and leaned against his chest in a daze.

'Did he really like me so much?

How could I deserve Mr. Aaron's love like that?'

The difference between Rita and Aaron was really great. Aaron was the CEO of the Leng Company, the second son of the Leng family, who had a noble identity, an outstanding temperament, with diplomatic handling of things.

On the other side, Rita was still a student who hadn't graduated yet. She tried to pretend to be arrogant, but in fact, she was fragile.

She still felt timorous when she was by Aaron's side.

At first, Rita thought that they had no affection for each other because they both had their own purposes. But out of her expectation, the marriage had been plotted for a long time by Aaron, and she was gradually attracted by this man, step by step into falling in love with him.

Besides, he had been treating her well since they got to meet each other for the first time. She thought Aaron was just pretending to be a good husband.

In fact, he had been really good to her.

He was an exemplary husband. He would satisfy her whatever she wanted, take care of her carefully, and treat her family thoughtfully.

Was there any reason for her not to trust him?

Was there any reason for her not to fall in love with him?

Even on the matter of giving birth, he had to consider it over and over again and ask for her consent.

Aaron was really nice to her.

Seeing that Rita did not say a word for quite a while, Aaron smiled with affection in his deep eyes. "Are you dumb? Are you moved by me?"

She held him tightly back and was not willing to let him go. "You are so bad."

"Wow, what a hypocritical woman," he said with a smile, as he patted her back. "Call me honey."


"Come on, I want to hear it."


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