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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 18

Bailey's pov

When I got home, mom and dad were already waiting for me. Both with scowls on their faces and both with crossed arms to look intimidating.

I lowered my eyes as I stepped in and closed the door.

"I can explain."

I really couldn't.

Dad's eyes narrowed, his arms crossed. "Then explain Bailey."

I cringed. Uh oh he used my name. Shit was serious.

Well then, I guess I'll be grounded for an entire year now.

"Since when do you need to lie to us to get your way Bailey?" Mom questioned, shaking her head in disappointment.

The last thing I want to do is disappoint my parents. I should have never agreed to attend the party. If I had just stayed home, I would not have lost my v-card to my best friend's brother.

I winced, shifting on my feet sheepishly. The slight movement made the tender ache between my thighs greet me hello. I tried to not show how uncomfortable it made me and stopped shifting from foot to foot.

I took a deep breath in, trying my best to relax my nerves. "I know, I know. But Mira needed me there and I couldn't exactly say no."

Though their eyes gleamed with knowing, they still held on to their scowls.

"Did you drink?" Dad narrowed his eyes.

I cringed. "Water?"

"Bailey," Dad warned.

I sighed, my shoulders dropping. "Just a little."

A little to get so fucking tipsy that I slept with Kaleb. Okay maybe I shouldn't blame the alcohol, I admit I wanted Kaleb last night.

Dad shook his head in disappointment and was ready to open his mouth and chew off my ear when mom smacked him on his chest.

"Now come on Blake don't pretend like you were not drinking at her age." Mom snorted, sending me a wink that dad caught.

He stared at her in disbelief. " Ley, I thought we were going to scold her? Whose side are you on?"

Mom smiled at him and lifted her hand to pinch his cheeks playfully. They flushed. "On everyone's side. That tough parent thing doesn't suit you baby."

Dad tried to keep that tough mask on but I could see his resolve cracking little by little as he peers into mom's eyes.

I rolled my eyes yet I couldn't stop the smile on my face. My parents were deeply in love with each other and that love grew day by day. It was the purest of love everyone wish to have one day. A love like no other.

I hope I can find that love one day to. Oddly my mind flashed an image of Kaleb and I bit my tongue. Yeah right, Kaleb of all people settling down for me out of every girl he slept with?

The earth would have to be on the verge of being destroyed before Kaleb ever thinks of anyone other than himself.

Dad who had that tough expression on his face calmed down instantly when mom got on her tippy toes and planted a chaste kiss on his lips.

I snorted inwardly.


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