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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 26

Bailey's pov

The sound blares in the room so loud it made me wince. My eyes snapped to the lit up phone and panic surged in. My palms on Kaleb's chest push him off me roughly as I roll off the bed, my knees falling to the floor as I grab my phone and put it on silent.

But it was too late. Mira already heard.

" Kaleb? Was that Bailey's phone ringing in your room just now?" Her tone held a suspicious edge that made my heart pound. I clench my eyes shut, praying that she would drop it.

Kaleb lifted himself on. one elbow, looking at the door. " Clean out your ears Mirabella, you heard wrong."

There's a pregnant pause before Mira spat. " I know what I heard you asshole. What's Bailey phone doing in your room? Is she in your room?"

The accusation made me grow cold and guilt swam in my being.

Kaleb sat up, looking over at me while I pleaded with him using my eyes. He sighed, running a hand through his messy hair that I had been tugging without knowing.

" She's not in here Mira neither is her phone. Why would Bailey be inside my room in the first place?" Kaleb gave out a low snort as he eyed me on the floor. He looked, amused by the situation.

It's quiet for a few before she responded. " Then if that is true, open your door."

My eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets as I stared at Kaleb in panic. I could jump out of his window and climb down the tree. But that might take a while and she may see me.

Mira rattles the knob in impatience. " If you have nothing to hide, open the door or I'm calling dad and mom."

Her threat made goosebumps rise on my skin as sweat also seemed to kiss my flesh. Gosh even my hair started to cling to my face.

"Help." I mouthed at Kaleb who pointed at his closet. I gave him the 'are you serious' look and he mouthed 'trust me'.

I got to my feet, deciding to trust him since he was an expert in hiding girls. The thought left a bitter taste in my mouth but I cupped it and entered his closet, closing the door gently.

It's dark in here but somehow the scent of his clothes comforted me. I gripped my phone, pressing it closer to my chest as I peeked through the cracks of the closet door. I can see Kaleb getting off his bed and I bit my lip as I saw the flex of his back muscles.

God even his back muscles look sexy as fuck.

" Okay fine," He uttered, sounding confident that he would be able to convince Mira that I was not here. I held my breath when he unlocks the door and pries it open, revealing my very suspicious best friend.

My heart raced as my thoughts jumbled. Oh my God she will surely see me in the closet. I closed my eyes in a pinch of frustration. The closet is the first thing anyone would check! Kaleb did me dirty for sure.

That bastard.

As I seethed inwardly, I opened my eyes to make sure I could see her every move and prepare for the humiliation I would face soon. God she's about to tear me apart and break our friendship.

My eyes blur with tears, and I pressed my lips in a frown to stop them from wobbling.


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