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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 27

Bailey's pov

When I thought I could feel relieved, that was not the case as Mira picked up the bracelet from the floor, pinching it between her fingers as her brows furrowed, eyeing it with a strange gleam.

" It is," Her words come out confused and surprised, her eyes lifting to brother's. Her eyes narrowed as she stood up with the bracelet in her hold.

She eyed her brother accusingly, one of her brows arching up in question. " Kaleb. What is Bailey's bracelet doing in your room?"

My heart thrusted against my chest, my palms sweaty even more. Gone was the jealousy I felt for Jessica and replaced by stilling fear again.

I waited with my breath lodged in my throat, waiting for what he would respond with. I hope he could come up with something good.

But that hope dwindle when he just lifted a shoulder into a casual shrug. " I don't know Mira. Maybe you two were trying to prank me in my room and it slipped."

His voice was calm, as though we were not on the edge of getting exposed.

Mira's button nose wiggle, her brows furrowing. I can somehow see the gears turning in her head as she thought of any possible reason my bracelet would be in Kaleb's room.

" Bails and I didn't plan any freaking prank on you. She's grounded remember? What time would she get here so we can do the prank?"

Kaleb walked over to her and flicked her forehead, causing her to wince and glower at him. " I'm talking about last night genius, or this morning before school."

Mira hummed, her lips pinching as she looked at the bracelet. " I did notice it was gone earlier....and I did send her to your room last night to get the blow dryer you took from me." Her brows crunch. " Maybe it did slip."

" Bingo. Now you got your answer, get out of my room," He nudged her shoulder lightly using his hand.

Mira sneered, huffing and turning around. " So eager to sleep with another of your bitches."

Mira turned around to say over her shoulder. " Hey Jessica, you're not the only girl he'll sleep with tonight so don't think you're special. And don't fucking come to me tomorrow to whine and cry. I warned you."

The relieved breath I was about to let out snagged back again in my throat, making my eyes sting. I know Mira didn't know it was me in there and thought it was Jessica but her words stung me deeply because I knew she was right and I know I was just another girl Kaleb had successfully tackled.

I was just another girl.

" And you two better be fucking quiet! If I hear one word, I'm telling dad and mom." She warned Kaleb.

My throat burned when I heard the door close behind her, my fingers shaking as I try to reel in my emotions.


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