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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 48

Bailey's pov

Both Mira and I stared at Katrina, but both of us with different expression. Mine was doubt while Mira looked confused.

" What do you mean by that Kat?" Mira questioned, her eyes darting between Katrina and me.

Katrina sighed. " It's just.....

She trailed off and looked away from me to fix her gaze on Mira. " I think we judge Kaleb a bit too much. Maybe he isn't going to sleep with Juliet. Maybe he's dropping her off because she's crazy drunk. She did drink a lot Mira. And maybe, just maybe Kaleb is not in love with her anymore. There's a possibility he can fall in love with someone else."

She then turn to me, making me swallow. " Right Bailey? There's a possibility?"

I glanced at Mira, hating that Kat put me on the spot like that. Seeing Mira's eyes narrow on me, I shrugged and acted indifferent. " I don't know Kat, once a player, always a player."

Mira clapped. " See!" She cheered, pointing at me. " I know I can always count on Bailey to see through my brother's bullshit. Kaleb is a manwhore and I don't think he has it in him to even settle for anyone. He'll sleep around even when with Juliet."

I bit my lip and blinked.

If I could go back, I would have changed things around. I wouldn't have gone to the party he was hosting. Nor enter his room. I would've-

" Is this a bet Mira?" Katrina snorted.

Mira shrugged. " If you want it to be, I'm giving a hundred bucks to Stefan, it would be nice to earn it back."

Kat narrowed her eyes. " I would't be so sure you'd win Mira. I have a feeling that Kaleb will fall in love with one girl and settle down, if he isn't already." Kat snuck a quick glance at me.

I hugged myself awkwardly.

Mira didn't notice the look Kat sent my way and smirked. " Okay then let us bet miss Kat. Whoever loses gives the other one hundred dollars."

Katrina raised a brow. " Let's make it two hundred dollars."

Mira tilted her head and looked a bit shocked. " You sure you're willing to lose that much money Katrina?"

Katrina is now the one to hold a smirk on her face. " That's the thing Mira, I know I won't lose. But you'll just have to wait and see for yourself."

Mira snorted. " I know my brother more than anyone."

Katrina giggled. " Right." Kat looks over at me and smirked.

" Who do you think will win the bet Bailey? Do you think Kaleb will fall in love-

I shook my head. Why did they have to bring me into this. " Love isn't in Kaleb's vocubulary."

Katrina lifts one brow mockingly. " Then it's in yours."

I choked on my spit and Mira rushes to pat my back.

" I'm fine." I coughed, slightly glaring at Katrina who had the biggest satisfied grin on her face.

" I'm done with this party. I'm going to head on out Mira, sorry but I don't feel like it anymore." All I want to do right now was take a much needed nap. Too much had happened in just a day, barely a day.

Mira pouts and grabs my arm. " But can't you stay for just another thirty minutes until we're done with the game?"

Kat and I looked at each other in horror, already knowing that she was going to force us to play whatever game she was talking about.


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