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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 49

Bailey's pov

" Finally showed up Mira?" Ryan teased.

There's a long wooden table separating the two, and on its surface is a line of cups filled to the brim with alcohol. The pungent scent is stale in the air, making my nose twitch.

" Now aren't you sweet to wait for me to start the game?" Mira's smile beamed brightly. She walked up to the table, called us over and taunted Ryan. "Let's begin shall we?"

With a tilt of his head and a grin appearing on his face, Ryan nod while darting his eyes over everyone surrounding the table. " What do you say guys? Ready to play truth or dare?"

The others cheer while Katrina and I gave each other nervous glances. We all knew how this game works, we've seen it first hand.

Whatever you choose, truth or dare.....it wouldn't matter. All that mattered would be going through with it and not chickening out. If you do, then off with your hair!

You'd be shaved bald.

The way they play it had been done for years and passed down through generations. Only this time, the dares can be as severe as jumping off a cliff.

Ryan smirked at Mira and winked. Mira glared and straightened her spine, staring at him head on.

" Stefan, the bottle." Ryan demanded, his eyes set on Mira as though she was the only one in the room.

There were about twenty people currently surrounding the table, some drunk and a few looked a bit sane enough. That few was Mira, Katrina and me. Perhaps Ryan and Stefan too. But the others, they could barely keep their legs from crumbling under their weight.

Stefan gulped down the last of his drink and placed the now empty bottle in the middle of the table.

Everyone nervously looked at each other, now knowing that the real game was just about to begin.

"Too bad Kaleb's missing out on this one." Stefan snorted beside me.

I looked at him, trying my hardest to not glare at him for reminding me Kaleb was not here but with her.

Ryan looked around the room, both his hands on the table as he leaned forward. " Who wants to do the honors?"

Mira puffed out her chest and leaned forward to grasp the bottle. " Me," she smirked before spinning it.

Ryan smirk widened and we all wait with anticipation on who the bottle will land on. It lands on a girl with blonde hair. I know her, Kirsty Jones. She was known for doing a gang bang in the school's restroom last year.

She looks wasted, her eyes barely open and they are bloodshot red. " Well what do you got little girl? I choose dare, make me suck your brother's cock." She giggled and so did the other girls beside her who were probably her friends.

Katrina stared at her in disgust while Mira glared at her. I on the other hand was furious. I wanted nothing more but to march over there rip her fucking hair out.

I was never a violent person but these girls were getting on my last nerves.

I am startled when I felt a hand interlock with mine. I turn to Katrina who gave me a reassuring smile.

I sighed. Kat certainly knew what was going on between Kaleb and me.

Mira sneered. " Well since my brother is not here, I got something else for you to suck Kirsty. I dare you to suck the toilet bowl water like a fucking vacuum you slut."

My jaw slackened and I am not the only one. Everyone stared at Mirabella in stunned silence. Hell I could've sworn they cut the music too.

Kirsty face was already red from being drunk, but either she was embarrassed or furious because the shade turn so dark even I grew worried she'd stay like this permanently. It was those ugly shades of red you'd barf at.


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