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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 66

Bailey's pov

Her glare intensifies when I breathed in sharply, my shaky fingers reaching for the door handle to open the door. But before my finger's could latch on, Kaleb stops me.

" I will go out to speak to her. " He said softly, squeezing my hand. Mira's eyes storm with anger and she huffed, straightening her spine and crossed her arms when her brother stepped out of the car.

I jolt when the door closes behind him and shrink into the seat as Kaleb stormed towards her.

" What the hell Mirabella?" Kaleb snapped. " If you want to be angry at someone be angry at me, not her!"

Mira stepped forward, pointing a finger at his chest before jabbing it directly in the middle of his sternum. " Oh I'm livid, you good for nothing lousy asshole! You just had to go for her didn't you!" She yelled.

Her voice created an echo that brought on others attention and to my horror, my mom and dad stepped out and just behind them is Lilian and Kristina is holding Lilian in a comforting manner in the doorway while mom and dad made their way over.

" You could have had any girl you wanted!" Mira's loud screech made the poor birds in their nest fly away. " Hell you've had every girl at our school except her and Kristina! But of course you just couldn't help yourself!"

I flinched, biting my lip and looked over at mom and dad. They've stopped in their tracks, completely taken aback by the confrontation happening before them.

" Why my best friend Kaleb!?" Mira yelled, now pushing her brother with her palms. Kaleb's eyes are glistening and I know he's emotional with the way his sister is acting.

I gripped the door handle, swallowed and opened the door.


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