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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 67

Bailey's pov

His words made my pulse race and the strong emotions he poured into them made me melt, knowing he meant every single word.

I stared at Kaleb in awe, my heart knowing that it belonged to him and as his eyes meet mine, the emotions he poured in his words showed in the depths of his soul.

" I finally went after what I want Mira," He whispered, his eyes shinning with so much strong emotions even I felt them through me. Returning his gaze to his sister, he uttered softly. " And I'm sorry, but I won't let her go."

Mira breathed in sharply, takes a step back, shakes her head and whips around. Her eyes land on me, standing there and her eyes are dead. It makes my chest hurt and I tried to pull air into my lungs to help me breath.

She looks at me in betrayal, anger and pain. With a shake to her head, she uttered over her shoulder. " Just take me home, I don't want to be here any longer." She rips her eyes off me and storms to Kaleb's car.

Every step she takes, it feels like the thread that tied our friendship together was slowly tearing. It was an invisible threat but I could feel it, I could sense it and I knew that if we didn't speak our hearts out now, that thread will always remain ripped.

I couldn't let years of friendship go down the drain. There must be someway to get to her. To get her to see that Kaleb and I were just too people in love. Two people that finally wanted to express what we felt for each other.

Two people who finally gave in to what they truly want.

Which was each other.

We just wanted each other.

Why can't she see that?

" Mira," I whispered in pain, stopping her before she could open the car door. She freezes, her shoulders stiff. I waited for her to turn around but she doesn't. Feeling the weight in my chest from hurting, my eyes drop to the ground, my voice croaking out.


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