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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 70

Bailey's pov

It has been a couple days since Mirabella found out about Kaleb and me. Things hadn't.....gotten easier since then unfortunately.

Not only was she still extremely upset about it but she was also confusing Kristina by trying to not make Kristina talk to me too. I found it a bit childish but Mira was always that way.

I'm just glad Kristina wouldn't let her dictate who she can and cannot speak too.

Yet...I am terribly sad that Mirabella still have yet to speak to me. She even blocked me on all of her socials!

My heart aches knowing I may have lost her forever.

Was she serious about never speaking to me again? I lift my hand to rub that little aching part on my chest even though I knew the issue was inward and I couldn't ease it in this way.

" Hey my gloomy little flower." Kaleb whispered in my ear lovingly as he planted a delicate kiss on my neck and cheek, fixing himself on the bench beside me. He placed his tray on the table.

I lifted my head that I had resting on my arm and looked at him through the messy strands of my hair. He grinned and brushed them off my face. " I missed you." He whispered truthfully while making sure not one single strand was blocking my vision.

I smiled, my heart fluttering.

We were in the cafeteria and it had gone quiet because even though it has been days since everyone found out we were together. Now that the cat was out of the bag, Kaleb made sure everyone knew I was his and he was mine.

Of course the first couple of days was tough for me. I had gotten so many glares and rumors of being a whore spread around the school like wildfire. But it died out quickly when Kaleb stepped in to help.

By helping I mean, he threatened the girl who started it by telling her he'd let it slip to her dad that she fucked her biology teacher for a grade A.

Things had gotten a bit easier on the third day, however everyone still stared at us as though we were some kind of weird science experiment.

It also didn't help that Juliet always shoots me death stares and makes it her mission to try to humiliate me every chance she gets. The thing about it is that I was no longer the Bailey who let her cruel words slip. I retorted back and didn't make her words hurt me anymore.

" You saw me like two minutes ago before going to take your lunch." I pointed out. Kaleb grinned, his eyes shinning and showing how happy he was.

" Two minutes too long to stay away from my little flower." He said, swinging one leg off the bench and coming closer until I was practically between his legs.

He hugged me to him. " I hate when you're sad." He sighed and it sounded pained. " Makes me feel like I am not able to make you happy."


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