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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 71

Bailey's pov

The days are going by quickly and it feels like the longer we go without speaking, Mira and I were losing whatever small piece of thread that kept our friendship. It had gone from a few glances, me mostly trying to grab her attention to now, nothing.

As I settle on the chair and place my bag on the desk, I sighed. I loved Kaleb and I am growing more happier with him every day. But I also know my heart misses Mira too.

" I'm so screwed." Kristina moaned, plopping on the chair beside mine. At any moment now Mira will show up. If she sees Kristina beside me, she'd sit at front, obviously trying to avoid sitting anywhere in close proximity to me.

I brought my gaze to Kristina, my brows drawing as I regarded her words. " Screwed? What did you do?"

Kristina winced, looking embarrassed. " I may or may not have forgotten to do the homework. I was up talking with you and Lucy last night and kind of fell asleep right after. I only remembered we had homework.....like at the this very moment. "

Lucy was uncle Liam and aunt Crystal's daughter. They moved last year but we still try to keep in touch. Sometimes we play a few games but it hasn't been like how it was before. We grew out of our video games phase.

I shook my head, smiling. " Want to copy mine before the teacher gets here?"

Kristina nodded, a grateful look on her face. I unzipped my bag and dug through in search of the book when the door pushes open. Of course I look up and my eyes landed on Mira. She paused, looked at me angrily and swept her gaze to Kristina.

A glare so brutal is sent Kristina's way. Rolling her eyes, Mirabella storms to one of the empty seats at front, aggressively throwing her bag on the desk childishly.

Kristina sighs heavily beside me. " You two need to talk this out."

I sadly looked down, pulling out the textbook and pushing it over to her. " I tried. Kaleb tried. She doesn't want to talk Kristy. I-

I let out a breath, staring at Mira's back in frustration. " I don't think she wants me as a friend anymore."


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