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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 79

Kaleb's pov

I stared at the ingredients on the countertop, my arms folded as I glared. I blinked and some flour dusted off my lashes and fall to the floor. I pressed my lips into a frown.

I had everything to make the perfect red velvet cake for my girl's birthday tomorrow. Red velvet cake was Bailey's favorite and I wanted to bake her it myself.

Unfortunately mom didn't bless me with a baker's hands and I was failing miserably. This was my third batch of batter and I mistakenly added too much salt in this one. I groaned, wiping my hand down the white now batter covered apron.

Fuck me.

" Is baking a damn cake supposed to be this hard?" I hissed under my breath, glaring at the batter I am to throw away. I gripped the bowl, grumbling cusses under my breath.

" My lovely kitchen," A soft feminine voice whined from the entryway. I looked over to see mom's eyes are wide and her lips parted into a shocked gasp. " Kaleb-

She swallowed, stepping into the kitchen cautiously. " Why does my kitchen look like it has been bombed by the government?"

I winced and grinned sheepishly, lifting my hand in my hair and getting some batter in the strands. " Sorry, I'm trying to bake a cake for Bailey's birthday tomorrow."

Mom eyes snapped to mine in surprise and then she roamed her gaze over the countertop and flinched. " Kaleb."

" Hmm?" I winced.

" How did you manage to destroy my mixer!" She yelled, running over to the ruined thing. She gripped it, whining. "My baby. My poor baby. What did this monster do to you?" She hugged it and glared at me. " Don't worry, I will get you away from this monster." She whispered to the mixer and backed away.

" Wait mom!" I stopped her, sheepishly scratching my ear. " Do you have a velvet cake recipe lying around here? I could have sworn you did but I couldn't find it."

She looked around, her face pained as she witnessed the opened draws and the scattered pans. " Yes I can tell you couldn't find it." She croaked in pain, stilling clutching her mixer and backing away.

She shook her head. " I will get it for you but give me a few minutes to mourn my mixer you destroyed, okay?" She whispered, kissing her mixer and turned around to leave the kitchen.

I could hear her wail and begged dad if she could sell me to replace her mixer. I winced.

After five minutes mom returned, her eyes still red from mourning. In her hand, she's clutching a book I am sure contained the recipe for her famous red velvet cake Bailey loves. Even though I am happy she found it I am embarrassed that I made her cry.

My shoulders slouched. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-


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