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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 80

Kaleb's pov

" Kaleb."

A soft touch to my face made me twitch away, wiggling my nose when something tickled the tip. I swatted it away and let out a loud dragged out yawn. My body was exhausted and my lids were way too heavy to bother fluttered open to see who's trying to wake me up.

"Honey, wake up." The voice is soft and very close. Mom.

" Just five more minutes." I whined drowsily. Her next words made my eyes to snap open as though I was just bit by a snake.

" Today is Bailey's birthday. Aren't you going to show her what you did for her?"

As I straightened my spine and blinked to adjust my blurry vision, I looked down at the countertop and realize I had fallen asleep in the kitchen. I winced, lifting my hand to the back of my neck, rubbing away the ache.

Shit this is going to hurt for days.

" What time is it?" I asked, a yawn cutting in halfway through my question. I rubbed my eyes and run them over the kitchen space. Everywhere was filthy with ingredients scattered around. Burnt cakes were either tossed in the bin or thrown across the counter.

The floors.....let's just leave this out.

" It's seven fifteen. I figured you'd want to wake up after going through so much trouble to prepare for her birthday." Mom smiled and looked around the kitchen. The smile turned into a wince.

" When did you catch some sleep?" Her brows furrowed as she looked back at me worriedly.

I shrugged, blocking a yawn with the back of my hand on my lips. " I think I must have fallen asleep around four a.m." I narrowed my eyes as I made a quick mental check. " Or maybe it was five?"

Mom lips part as she peered at me in disbelief. " Did you really stay up so late to bake a cake?" She took a step forward and rubbed her thumbs under my eyes, the gleam in hers glint with worry. " You even have dark circles under your eyes. "

I smiled, closing my eyes before she managed to poke my eyes out by accident. " I wanted to make sure it came out perfect for her. She deserved the best."

Bailey deserved the world and though I could not give her a planet, I could sure as hell show her how much she means to me. The thing is, she meant so much that I'd have to show her for the rest of my life.

I had no complaints and couldn't wait to show her.


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