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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 81

Kaleb's pov

I rush down the stairs, taking three at a time as I hurriedly make my way to the front door. With my hands clutching the handle, I swing it open and freeze when mom's voice catches my attention.

" Have you forgotten the cake?"

I twist around, a cringe on my face as I stared at her sheepishly. She shakes her head and walks over with the cake in her hand. She passes it over. " I made sure to wrap it good so the icing won't mess up your seats."

I sent her a grateful smile. " Think she'll like it?"

Mom grinned, patting my head lovingly. " I think she will love it." she then nudged me lightly. " Now off you go, you have to set up remember?"

I nodded quickly, about to thank her again when rapid footsteps rush down the stairs. I looked up, surprised to see that it was Mira. Our eyes meet and she looks down in embarrassment, her footfalls slowing.

" I'll catch a ride with you today."

Her soft voice was barely audible but somehow I managed to pick up her words. My lips part as I looked at her in surprise. The last thing I expected from Mira was her being in the same car as me. Especially with the way things were between us.

She stopped before me, eyed the cake and looked up. " Well aren't we going to set up?"

I staggered a bit, not expecting her to say those words at all. One of her brows raised and she tilts her head. Mom looked between us, a soft smile on her face.

She nudged us both. " You two better hurry if you want to get there on time."


I skidded to a stop, the tires screeching. " Christ!" Mira yelled, slamming her hand on the dashboard before she could face plant. She turn to send me a very seething glare.

I winced and looked at her. " Sorry. I just need to buy her, her favorite flowers. Give me a second." I apologized as I unbuckled myself and stepped out of the car. I hurried over to the flower shop. There were so many options but I had my eyes set on what I was really looking for.

There it was. The fresh bloom of roses and daisies with a bit of lavender poking out. I grinned, my shoulders slacking with relief now that I found her favorite flowers. I pointed at the bouquet to the florist. " One of those please."

The girl behind the counter smiled and turned to grasp the bouquet. She named the price and I paid for it. " We have a special name for this bouquet." She smiled while taking the money. " The first blooms. It symbolizes the start of something beautiful."


Mira glanced at me as I slid back into the driver's seat, her expression softening as she caught sight of the flowers in my hand. " You know everything about her, don't you?"

I nod, smiling. " To the little freckle just beside her lip."

Mira's brows raised, her eyes lingering on the flowers. " She'd love them. They've always been her favorite." She lift her eyes to mine and smiled. " You did well."

I sighed, passing them over to her so she'd hold them while I drive. " I hope so, she deserved the best."

" I'm starting to think she already does." Mira whispered under her breath. Of course knowing that she didn't want me to hear, I pretended not to and with a small smile on my lips and a relieved heart, I drove off.


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