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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 97

Kristina's pov

"I'll see you guys later," I waved at Bailey and Mira as they left with Kaleb. They gave me worried glances and I smiled to reassure them that what I am about to do, I am okay and I can handle myself. As I watch the car drive away, I turn back around and stepped back into the school.

School had just ended and everyone was making their way home. Except for me of course. I had unfinished business to do. That unfinished business had something to do with a certain art teacher who had been avoiding me like the plague.

Justin usually stayed back a bit late. I'm not sure why, but whenever I have cheer practice he's always in his classroom when I pass by.

I am praying he's still there and the classroom is empty.

As I get closer, my fingers tremble and a spike of my heart rate made me swallow. I hated that I was so full of nerves. I didn't want to go over to him and stand in front of him and be a blabbering idiot.

But I needed to do this.

With a sudden burst of determination, I burst through the door and shut it with a bang. Justin is at his desk, shifting through some papers and he's startled when he hears the sound.

However he is not the only one in the room. A young girl jumps up from her seat, looking at me frightened before she lets out a sigh and places her paint brush down.

Her wide brown eyes stared at me with intrigue as I just stood there in embarrassment. I squirmed. "Sorry," I apologized to them both, now feeling like a complete idiot for making this grande unnecessary entrance.

I flushed under Justin's stare and looked at the girl until his voice pulled me away from her. "Is there anything I can help you with Kristina?"

I swallowed. So formal. So cold.

I swept my gaze over to him and my eyes dart to the desk. The same desk he had sprawled me across and took my virginity.

His eyes drop to the desk and a flicker of darkness cast over his eyes as though he remembered that moment as well.

He shook his head, cleared his throat and looked over at the young girl. "May you excuse us Marai?"

Marai nods, getting up and collecting her bag. "I was just about to leave actually," she smiled at Justin and something that I recognize as jealousy curled in my body when Justin returned her smile.

"Thanks for the pointers Mr Malik," her beam widened and my jealousy grew. "I'll make sure to finish this piece by tomorrow." With another smile and a nod to me, she leaves the room, taking away her sweet smelling perfume.

When the door clicks shut behind her and I am sure she is out of hearing, I grumble under my breath. "You're into blondes now?"

I regretted it instantly when I saw him flinch and look hurt. I didn't mean to, it was the jealousy talking.

"She's my student." Justin mumbled without emotion.

"I am your student too," I pointed out, stepping further into the room. "And that didn't stop you from fucking me."

His eyes clenched tightly, as if wishing I hadn't brought that day up. It looks like I'm gutting him. "Kristina," he sighed, eyes opening and locking me in a gaze. "What do you want?"

So cold. It's like a chill run down my spine.

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