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My Big-Buck Ex Won't Let Me Go novel Chapter 30

The silence of Shawn made Carol uneasy. She asked anxiously, "didn't you say that even if you married her, you only love me... You've been ignoring me recently. Today, you even let me see you kissing her. Tell me, have you changed your mind? "

Looking at Carol's aggrieved questioning, Shawn frowned slightly. Thinking of the scene that he kissed Windy and was caught by Carol, a touch of guilt flashed through his heart. Then he patiently said to her, "Sweetie, what are you thinking about? How can I change my heart for you? The kiss just now... It was just an accident. "

In fact, even Shawn didn't notice that when he explained to Carol just now, he was a little hesitant. But Carol just frowned slightly, and then relaxed. When she looked at him, a gentle and beautiful smile appeared on her face. "I knew you wouldn't."

Was the kiss just an accident?

Hearing this, Windy was completely stunned. She looked at the side face of Shawn, while he was staring at Carol. How ridiculous it was! How ridiculous such an explanation was!

Tears welled up in Windy's eyes, but she stubbornly looked at the two people, Shawn and Carol, unwilling to let her tears fall.

The man in front of her was her husband. It was not easy for her to marry him and become his legal wife. She would never allow anyone to take him away from her. Even if that person was her sister, and even if they would really turn against each other, she would never allow it!

Thinking of this, Windy didn't hesitate at all. She walked to Shawn, held his other arm and pulled him to her side. She was not afraid of the hatred from her sister at all, but turned to a strong and arrogant look. She said, "Shawn, you are my husband, not someone else's mistress. Without my permission, you can't go out with other women! "

Hearing this, Shawn was surprised. Why did this woman suddenly become so powerful? Was she crazy?

In order not to make Carol misunderstand him, Shawn looked at Windy coldly and asked, "Are you crazy?"

As she spoke, she was about to shake off Windy's hand that was holding his arm, but was pulled hard by her, and his tall body leaned down. She took the opportunity to whisper in his ear, "I also remind you that don't forget the first term of the agreement, and the second term of the agreement. As your wife, I have the right to interfere with you at home, and don't mess around with other women."

Shawn stared at the woman in front of him, but he could do nothing to her. The damn agreement said that he was just lifting a stone to hit his own feet.

"Shawn, you have made the agreement, but I have never thought of interfering with you everywhere. No matter how much you love my sister, I am your legitimate wife now. If you let me lose face in front of her, then don't blame me." Said Windy, glaring at Shawn. Did he think she would be afraid of him?

Shawn smiled at Windy and said sarcastically, "it seems that my wife is not simple. For herself, she even ignores the kinship of sisters."


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