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My Big-Buck Ex Won't Let Me Go novel Chapter 31

Windy wandered around with Shawn. At last, the two of them felt bored and went home early.

When Shawn and Windy returned to the Yu's manor, Wilson was reading some entertainment magazines in the living room. Seeing her son and daughter-in-law coming back from outside, she pulled them to sit down and chat with them. Speaking of Renee, who is Shawn's sister, Wilson looked very happy. "Renee has been abroad for more than four years. Your grandfather misses her very much every day. She just called and said that tomorrow she would come back tomorrow. The plane will arrive at the airport at three o'clock in the afternoon. If you two have something to deal with, you can make another arrangement. Then we can go to the airport to pick her up together. "

Although Windy had never seen Renee before, she had heard her name from Ted many times. From Mr. Ted's expression and words, she knew that Mr. Ted loved his granddaughter very much. She nodded with a smile and said, "Okay."

However, Shawn frowned and seemed to be in a dilemma. "Is that girl coming back?"

"Yes, Renee also said that she wouldn't leave this time." Wilson looked at her son and added, with a happy expression on her face.

Shawn sighed, "The little girl is coming back. She will be really annoying in the future."

Hearing this, Wilson glared at Shawn and said, "What are you talking about?"

Shawn shrugged innocently, "it's true."

The reason why Shawn said so was that Renee liked to follow him since she was a child.

Of course, there was a reason why she was so obsessed with [御圣卿]. Part of the reason was that she liked to be with him, and the other part was that she had a good relationship with him. She always wanted to get all the things and secrets related to him from him.

More than four years had passed, but Renee didn't change at all. Every time she talked to Shawn on the phone, the one she asked the most was definitely not Mr. Ted, nor her cousin Shawn, nor her aunt Wilson, but Todd.

Every time Shawn was impatient with the question from Renee, he would hang up the phone directly, but... Now she was coming back. It seemed that he had to think about how to avoid her in the future, so as not to be bothered by her questions every day.

Wilson shook her head helplessly and smiled. She said to her son, "Renee is still young. After she comes back, please be more tolerant to her."

Hearing this, Shawn felt wronged. "Mom, you said that again."

"Then what should I say?" Wilson asked.

The conversation between the two made Windy confused. But from this point, it could be seen that Renee was the little princess of the Yu Clan and everyone spoiled her. Although Shawn was reluctant, she could feel that he loved Renee very much.

Shawn didn't answer his mother's question. After a long silence, he said, "I think our family has raised a heartless girl. That girl has no one in her heart except for Todd."


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