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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112 : You shone so bright I couldn't take my eyes off you.

Seeing that Micaela was very restless, Carlos knew that her intention was too sudden. But then he remembered that he had not yet formally asked for her hand....

One could often see the news reporting romantic proposals, in which the girls who were proposed to were always full of happiness....

Micaela, your darling, of course, should enjoy the same happiness.

-And, if I work as a model, I shouldn't get married for the time being," Micaela continued.

It would take her a month to graduate from college, and it would be too soon to marry....

Carlos frowned. In fact, there was such a clause in the contract. According to this clause, she wasn't even supposed to have a boyfriend!

Micaela threw him down to sit back on the couch. She put the contract in Carlos' hand, blushed, looked away and said:

-Since you are with me for the purpose of marriage, first be my groom! The groom is obliged to help his bride to revise the labor contract. What else should be changed in this contract?

Seeing her redden, while admitting that he was her fiance, Carlos was in a good mood, reached out his hand, took her in his arms and said earnestly:

-I just finished reading it. In fact, there are some clauses that should be changed.

Micaela pushed him, looked at him and waited seriously for Carlos to say.

-First of all, the contract period should be changed from five years to two years. Next, you can only accept fashion shows, not swimsuit shows! Finally, you can only attend trade shows with my approval!

Micaela tilted her head, thought about it and asked:

-Well... I also agree with the first two points, but the last one, why do I attend the shows with your approval, not mine?

"People are always complicated, but you're so naive, what if you get ripped off?

But Carlos didn't say that, but asked her calmly:

-Being your boyfriend, don't I have this right?

-Well... -Micaela blushed slightly and nodded.

It always seemed to Micaela that Carlos was subconsciously right.

-Besides, you should decide yourself when she plans to officially sign the contract and when to start training in the company should decide it -Carlos pursued the topic.

The contract was stipulated to be signed on the first day of next month.

Carlos thought she should transition out of her job. Next month, she would have to return to the university to participate in the graduation ceremony. If she signed the contract on the first day of the same month, the route would be too rushed.

-Is the company going to allow so many changes to the contract? -Micaela asked worriedly.

Carlos reached out and stroked the girl's hair, looking at her with a confident gaze:

-Yes. It is a blessing for Brillantella to sign with you.

Micaela suddenly blushed.

-I... No way. I'm not that excellent....

-Darling, you are very distinguished," Carlos' look was very sincere.

Micaela looked at him, expressing doubts:


-Of course you are. You seem to shine so much that I can't take my eyes off you.

Micaela felt even more embarrassed. In fact, it was Carlos who glowed and she was the one who couldn't take her eyes off him, wasn't it?

Carlos checked the time, stood up and picked up his jacket.

-Rest well. I'm leaving.

At this moment the man's sleeve got caught. Carlos looked back and saw Micaela sitting on the sofa, who was about to get up. It seemed that she was afraid that Carlos would leave soon.

-You, didn't you say that... -the shy girl looked away, she said in a low voice.

Micaela was so shy that she was unable to speak.

Honey, why was she so emotional?


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