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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 : I really wanted to hide you...

Micaela raised her head abruptly, opened her eyes and saw that her hand was glued to Carlos' strong chest....

Carlos reached out his hand and pressed Micaela's head against his chest.

-It's still early. Keep sleeping," his voice was still low and hoarse after waking up:

Micaela's face was flushed. She had no impression of when he appeared last night, nor of how she fell asleep in his arms....

-Why aren't you wearing any clothes?

Micaela stammered. Then she looked down at herself, and the pajamas were still well on her body....

Carlos looked at her flushed face with joy and said in a low voice:

-You didn't give me pajamas.

Well, it was the truth ...

Micaela felt so nervous that she could not stay here calmly. At this moment the cell phone rang. The girl got up hurriedly and reached across Carlos to grab her phone. She sat down relieved and answered without looking at who was calling.

-Micaela, you're a bitch! Do you want to work in my company?

Micaela held the phone away at once. The voice coming from the cell phone was as loud as if it could pierce the drum!

The girl who made the call was trying to adjust her breathing. It sounded like Adriana was mad with rage!

Adriana was dead furious. Although she had finally won first place in the parade yesterday, Micaela got the most attention!

At the time, both she and Ivanna were on stage, so they didn't know that Eric wanted to hire Micaela. This morning she saw in the company's group on the cell phone that Eric was going to sign the last girl who came provisional yesterday, and she had already prepared the contract. Therefore, he called Micaela in a hurry.

Of course Carlos had heard it and remained somber.

-What's the matter? Are you afraid? Are you afraid I'll steal all the attention? -Micaela asked him.

-Come on. Stop dreaming, you'd better worry about the poor little bastards at the orphanage!

As she finished saying it, Adriana hung up the phone.

Micaela was surprised. Thinking that Adriana would undoubtedly kick the kids out of the orphanage right away, she couldn't help but want to go sign the contract with Eric right away to take her payment and threw it to Adriana.

She turned around and was about to get out of bed in a hurry, but Carlos grabbed her arm.

Micaela looked at him and explained anxiously:

-Carlos, I'm going we are going to meet Mr. Eric....

Carlos became quiet when he heard Micaela say "vamos" instead of "voy".

Even she remembered that she had a boyfriend.

Carlos let go of her arm, and Micaela got out of bed immediately, opened the closet and handed the clothes to the man she had arranged the night before, while she turned around and took the clothes to the bathroom to change.

After Micaela finished washing, she deliberately spent some time in the bathroom before coming out. Carlos was already well dressed and stood in front of the window.

-Do you want to sign the contract as soon as possible and take your payment to buy the land for the orphanage? -Hearing Micaela leave, Carlos asked.

Micaela nodded. She looked like she wanted to leave immediately.

-It is not favorable for you to sign the contract with the company in such a hurry if you want to negotiate the clauses with the company. You have to let the company know your value. It is you who makes the decision whether to sign the contract or not, not the company. And the company will definitely hire you.


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