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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 : He kept so many "love rivals".

Micaela bit her lower lip and blushed. The last time Carlos had said this, she had said without thinking that she would keep him. Now, she really didn't know what to say....

Micaela was always heartfelt. Carlos, smiled, but didn't insist on a response from her. He took out his cell phone and handed it to Micaela.

-Call Diego," he said to Micaela.

Micaela took the phone and saw that the screen saver image was replaced by the selfie she took with Carlos last night. She smiled in front of the camera and Carlos lowered his head and looked at her, which showed an extraordinarily harmonious image...

Suppressing her heartbeat, Micaela quickly flipped through the call log. Diego was at the top of the list. She called him immediately and then turned on the speakerphone.

The call was quickly answered.


-Tell Mr. Tassis to come to the orphanage right away.


Although Micaela was puzzled, she didn't ask him any more questions.

It was still early, the road was not jammed, so they reached their destination quickly.

Adriana and Marta had already been impatient waiting for them for a long time. When they saw a luxury car enter, they immediately frowned.

After the car came to a stable stop, Carlos got out first and then went to the passenger seat, opened the door for Micaela.

Adriana was very surprised by this detailed action. Adriana was sure that this man must be a powerful person in Teladia. Seeing this person treat Micaela with such care, she felt even more jealous. Marcos had never been so careful!

Seeing them holding hands made Adriana even angrier!

Marta found herself furious when she saw Micaela. She looked more thoroughly, that man was the one who threw her for a ride at the last banquet!

Fuck. what trick did Micaela play to seduce such a powerful man?

Micaela also noticed Marta's fierce gaze. What Marta was holding tightly in her hand was the mom Director's cell phone, wasn't it?

It turned out that this cell phone was snatched by Aunt Marta. It was not strange that the director did not answer the call. Marta did it to make her anxious and guide her to the orphanage, right?

Micaela reluctantly greeted her aunt, but what she answered was a sullen snort. Micaela ignored it, because the headmistress and the orphanage children behind her saw Micaela and hurriedly surrounded her.


-Micaela, you're finally coming!

-Micaela, I miss you so much!


Carlos saw that Micaela was greeting the children, while he observed the surrounding environment;

In front of him was a rather large courtyard, and the floor was paved with stones from the previous era;

There were facilities such as slides for the children in the distance, but they looked very old-fashioned;

In front, a two-story, south-facing house could be seen, with clothes lying on the balcony. It should be used as children's dormitories;

To the left it was joined by another building, and it was obvious that it was used as a kitchen and dining room.

Overall, it looked clean and tidy, and the facilities were well maintained.

The location was good, close to which, from the nursery school to the high school, there was good transportation. It was understandable that Micaela was not satisfied when she looked for other replacement places.

It was appropriate for the orphanage to be placed here.

Carlos was more confident in his decision.

The innocent voices of the children were incessant.

The director was a woman who was about 50 years old, with obvious wrinkles on her face. Seeing Carlos, a tall, handsome and remarkable man, standing next to Micaela, and holding hands with the girl, she could not help but feel comforted.

Carlos also looked at the director and respectfully greeted her.

The director was even happier. Micaela was sensible when it came to choosing a boyfriend. She had always believed that Micaela was a good luck girl....

Micaela reached down, took the children's little hands and had an intimate interaction.


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