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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 : It was natural that whoever offered the highest price would get it.

Another boy in a plaid shirt pointed to Marta and said:

-This is the old witch's mother!

The children immediately scoffed at them:

-Two old witches!

-Old witches with long noses!

Mario looked at Micaela and said seriously:

-Micaela is Snow White! I am a prince.

-I am a prince!

Several little children fought and Micaela ran out of remedies.

Adriana was so angry that she wanted to grab these children and throw them out.

-Everybody shut up! -Adriana shouted furiously.

They said she was a witch!

It was obvious she was beautiful, wasn't she?

-Bastards, what's wrong with your eyes? -Marta also said angrily.

A smile also appeared on Carlos' cold and stern face.

The mother Director held back her laughter and hurried to bend down to comfort the children:

-Say no more. Children, don't be rude!

At the door, a white car drove in and stopped not far away.

A thin man with glasses got out of the car. He immediately opened the door to the back seat. The man in the back seat was wearing a gray suit and looked around.

When Adriana saw the two, she greeted them hurriedly with Marta and stood in front of the middle-aged man in the gray suit with a smile:

-Mr. Lain, good morning. Why do you have time available to come personally?

-Mr. Lain, I came to confirm it again," the assistant said.

Marta laughed with more flattery:

-That's nice! Let's take a look inside. The related documents such as the land certificate are complete, don't worry!

Mr. Lain and his assistant had come here several times and wanted to get this land ambitiously. All the children recognized them and knew that this boss wanted to buy this land and throw them and mom Director for a ride. They all stood in fear and hid behind the headmom. Even the director looked at them in fear. Some children were standing directly behind Carlos.

At this critical moment, it seems that this gentleman was reliable!

-Mr. Lain, I have conducted a market research. There will definitely be big profits if we build a children's amusement park here! -the assistant told Mr. Lain.

Mr. Lain couldn't help but nod to his assistant and looked at the orphanage director. Who was the man standing next to her? Temperament is so outstanding. Why did he show up here?

Did he come to adopt orphans?

Mr. Lain looked at Micaela with suspicion, and suddenly became shocked. How beautiful this woman was!

A cold look shot at him, which shook him. He unconsciously looked away to observe Micaela and glanced at the luxury car parked next to her. The price of this car was ten times more expensive than his own! He was sure he was a powerful man!

Did this land come to compete with him?

Mr. Lain frowned. It couldn't be. He had been interested in this land for a long time and could not allow this young man to buy it.

Immediately, he spoke to Adriana:

-Miss Elvira, we sign the contract and you let these people move in as soon as possible!

Marta smiled happily, ignoring the signal Adriana made, and nodded her head.

Adriana was a little anxious, seeing Adriana accompanying the two people to confirm the size of this place with tape measure, she turned around and said to Micaela:

-Micaela, I'm not talking nonsense with you anymore. You can't work at Brillantella, otherwise I'll sell the orphanage right away and leave these poor people homeless! You see. The buyer is coming personally. If you don't want these people to sleep on the street, reject Mr. Eric!

-Mom Director, another car is coming in! He's so lively today! -A boy suddenly pointed to the door and said.


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