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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 153

Chapter 153 : Everyone was completely stupefied!

Hearing this, everyone around them exclaimed unanimously:

-That's it! These songs are too melodious and cute!

-Wow, it gives us a lot of pressure!

Micaela made a face flushed with shyness when she heard the people's words and approached Carlos asking:

-How do you know I can sing this song?

-I heard you humming it in the kitchen last time," Carlos answered looking her in the eyes.

Micaela was a little surprised. She had only hummed in a very low voice, she didn't expect this man to hear it.

-Well, do you like this song? -asked Micaela tentatively.

-Yes, I like anything you like.

Hearing the man's answer, Micaela felt very embarrassed and looked away.

Carlos rarely listened to music, let alone popular music, but he was impressed and attracted when he heard Micaela's humming. It seemed that it was Micaela who had awakened his interest in this song and he gradually learned to sing this melody after hearing it how many times during Micaela's absence.


Suddenly, a person in the crowd suggested loudly:

-Let's play Truth or Dare, is that okay with you guys?

Everyone present agreed with his proposal upon hearing it.

Micaela was a little curious because she had never participated in this type of game before.

Then a classmate pushed the snacks on the table aside and put an empty bottle in the middle.

-Micaela, you turn the bottle first! All participants have to obey the rules strictly, huh? -Ana said excitedly and took Micaela by the hand to start spinning the bottle.

However, the next moment, Ana was stunned on the spot because the neck of the bottle pointed right at herself after a few turns.

Everyone was very excited to see such a result!

-Ana, you have to strictly obey the rules, huh? Ha ha ha ha!

-Truth or dare?

Ana showed an incredible face because she really didn't expect to be so "lucky" to be the first one to choose truth or dare.

Looking at her gossipy colleagues, Ana didn't want to reveal any of her secrets to them and finally chose the dare by plucking up her courage!

-What do you say we let Ana introduce herself in the room next to us? -Suddenly a colleague said aloud.

-Ha, ha, ha, ha, I think it's a very good idea.

-Ana, come on, come on! Don't be late, eh?

Under these circumstances, Ana had no choice but to let herself be pushed into the next room by some colleagues.

Shortly afterwards she returned with a face as flushed as a tomato and the colleagues behind her did not stop laughing loudly.

-Ha, ha, ha, ha, all the people in that room were stunned to hear the sudden introduction of our Ana.

-My God, I almost died laughing, this game is so much fun! Let's start the next round!

Looking at her colleagues so cheerful and immersed in the game, Micaela seemed that it was quite an interesting and amusing game. At first she had been a bit worried and nervous, but seeing that the bottle had never been pointed at her, she became much more relaxed and showed more interest in this activity.

Watching her colleagues' funny reactions to being pointed at by the bottle was very funny to Micaela. Some of the secrets they revealed were so embarrassing that Micaela was left with a blush on her face and the boldness they chose was very exaggerated and ridiculous....

At that moment, Carlos approached her ear and whispered:

-Honey, don't gloat, eh? It'll be your turn very soon.....

When Carlos finished his words, the empty bottle, which was spinning on the table, stopped and the neck of the bottle pointed precisely at Micaela.

The latter looked at him angrily and cursing inwardly:

"What a doomsayer this guy is!"

Seeing that the bottle pointed to her friend, Ana jumped with excitement and shouted with joy:

-Micaela, at last, you've been "lucky"!

-Ana, you've been waiting for the bottle to point to Micaela, haven't you? -said other classmates.

Ignoring them, Ana asked Micaela with a sly smile on her face:

-Micaela, truth or dare? Pick one, huh?

No matter which one Micaela chose, it wouldn't work out for Ana: she might know some secret of Micaela's or she might let her and Carlos do something coy.

Micaela cast a plaintive glance at the man. Remembering the challenges her colleagues had made, she really believed she could not accept such exaggerated and embarrassing dares, so she said reluctantly:

-I choose the truth!


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