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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 :The clothes we are wearing are couple outfits!

Kiki said seriously to Micaela:

-If you get the urge to work in the design industry again someday in the future, call me first. ok?

Micaela nodded her head heavily expressing her gratitude.

Ana stepped forward and hugged Micaela tightly, saying with tear-filled eyes that she didn't want to part from her....

At this moment, Kiki remembered something and approached Carlos saying:

-Mr. Aguayo, thank you very much for your generous attention tonight. I should have paid the bill, after all, it is the company that has held this farewell party for Micaela....

Carlos just gave her a faint smile without saying anything.

Soon after, Kiki and Ana also left.

Until Micaela's two friends disappeared from sight, Carlos opened the back door and got into the car with her.

Inside the car, Micaela could no longer contain herself and burst into sad tears as she murmured:

-I really don't want to be separated from them.....

Carlos took her in his embrace gently, letting her cry as she wished.

"Parting is a normality that we all must learn to get used to. Micaela, you have to adjust..."

Slowly Micaela drifted off, falling asleep in the man's embrace as she sobbed.

Carlos glanced at his watch and discovered that it was already half past eleven at night.

-Mr. Aguayo, where are we going? -asked Diego as he drove.

Carlos covered her with his jacket and said in a flat tone:

-To the airport.


Very early the next morning, Micaela woke up. She opened her sleepy eyes and the first thing she saw was a window. Based on the dim light filtering through the window, she knew it wasn't fully dawn.

"Did I wake up too early?"

So Micaela wanted to keep going to bed a little longer, but the next moment, she was very startled!

"There's no window in my bedroom! Where am I?!"

Immediately, she sat up in bed and cautiously looked around her....

-Did you have a nightmare? -a low, gritty voice that sounded very familiar to Micaela came from behind her back.

Micaela became much calmer at the sound of the voice and turned around. And Carlos had already lit the lamp on the wall for her.

Instantly the whole room was brightly lit.

Micaela looked around very surprisingly and discovered that this room she was in was very big, much bigger than her own. The decoration was very luxurious and there was a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, creating a very elegant atmosphere. In addition, the entire wall was covered with very exquisite patterned wall coverings.

-Are we in a hotel? -Micaela asked confused.

She looked at Carlos and noticed that he was dressed in a white bathrobe. She hastily ducked her head, discovered that she herself was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday and was instantly a little embarrassed.

"Last night, after saying goodbye to Kiki and Ana, I started crying and fell asleep in his embrace. Could it be that he didn't take me home but to this hotel?"

The man stroked her very affectionately on the head, nodded slightly and asked:

-Do you want to sleep a little longer?

Micaela looked towards the window again, shook her head and said with some confusion:

-What time is it, isn't it dawn yet?

Carlos didn't answer her, walked over to the window and lifted the curtain completely....

Outside the window, the neon lights were flashing and they were very pretty. And the hotel must be in a very tall building because from there Micaela could vaguely see the shadows of those mountains in the distance.

However, this all seemed very unfamiliar to her.

Micaela was even more puzzled, sitting up in bed. Carlos approached her, gently lifted her chin and explained:

-We are now in the Mangzarent Nation.

Hearing this, Micaela became very excited, immediately jumped out of bed and hurried to the window to see what was outside:

Below the hotel, cars were incessantly and bustling back and forth on brightly lit elevated highways. The skyscrapers around them towered spectacularly around her with multicolored lights glowing and all the signs were written in a language unfamiliar to Micaela. All this proved that she was not in a completely unfamiliar city.

-I'm in another country overnight?! But I don't even have a Mangzarent Nation visa? -she murmured, thinking that maybe she was dreaming.


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