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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181 : You Gave Him This Chance

After breakfast, Diego went out to wait for Carlos, while Micaela went upstairs and picked out a tie for Carlos.

Since the last time he had taught Micaela how to tie a tie, Carlos had always asked Micaela to do it for him.

Carlos looked at Micaela who was knotting his tie with care and skill and smiled happily ...

At that moment, some people were also busy.

-Have you contacted the journalists?

-Yes, they are on their way.

-And the troll army?

-Don't worry, everything is ready. As soon as the live broadcast starts, the internet reports will be all praise for you.

Hearing this, Amelia was relieved. She stood in the room that Brillantella had specially prepared for the press conference, looking around at the busy staff and smiling triumphantly at the thought of the glory she was about to achieve.

Adriana and Ivanna had also arrived early at the office.

Ivanna was angry at Adriana's deception and use of her, but she had no more friends in Brillantella, and since she was now a popular girl thanks to her family's financial support, she didn't care about the results of the last program.

At this point, the three women had one thing in common: to put Micaela to shame!

-Have you seen today's news? There are several messages saying that the model on the cover of Excellent Taste-Fashion is the one in the grand finale of GarzaBlanca! -Someone suddenly said out loud.

Amelia's heart immediately skipped a beat.

"How could this have happened at this moment?"

The three women rushed to pull out their phones to check. The press was already flying.

-The Excellent Taste-Fashion model and the GarzaBlanca grand finale model are suspected to be the same person!

-The most beautiful clash of faces, could it be the same person?

-Could the new model that Brillantella is signing be the cover model of Excellent Taste-Fashion?


The reports were full of detailed comparative photos, as well as flattery and speculation about the girl.

Comments from netizens were also very lively:

-I've suspected this for a long time!

-I've been guessing for a long time that they would be the same person!

-It's just a different style, one indifferent, one soft!


Amelia was so angry at the news that she hastened to order her subordinates to go and create a public opinion that these two are definitely not the same person.

Adriana and Ivanna watched Amelia's anxiety with cold eyes, looking at each other as if saying in their minds.

"She deserves it!"

Although they were both jealous that Micaela's photo was on the cover of Excellent Taste and that she was so perfectly photographed ...

-Fuck, how Micaela was lucky enough to be chosen for the cover of Excellent Taste-Fashion .... Her boyfriend must have paid to help her! -Adriana grumbled in disgust.

She didn't tell the others that Micaela's boyfriend was Carlos, the first reason was that they were all just her speculations and she didn't dare say anything until she had definite proof.

The second reason was that she feared that if she did, people would envy Micaela even more. She hated that Micaela was an object of envy, so she only mentioned it to Marcos.


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