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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 183

A girl's voice rang out from the doorway!

Amelia was mentally startled and stared at the girl.

"What was going on, who is this girl?"

Everyone present turned unconsciously.

It was Ana, who looked at Amelia with a righteous look and said:

-This Miss Athens is an impostor!

The reporters turned their cameras on Ana.

-What makes you say that Miss Athens is an impostor, Miss?

-Do you have any proof?

-If Miss Athens wasn't the real grand finale girl, then who was?

The reporters were quick to speak, thinking to themselves:

"Hey, this is more interesting than the news we just had!"

Ana held up the Excellent Taste magazine she was holding in her hand and said loudly:

-The person who photographed the cover of Excellent Taste is the real one from the grand finale in GarzaBlanca program!

The companions who came behind Ana also said in a loud voice:

-Yes, Athens is a fake.

Adriana and Ivanna gritted their teeth in anger. They both recognized Ana, but they didn't expect Ana to say so much.

Adriana hated Micaela more than Amelia, so without hesitation she said:

-Don't listen to her nonsense, the dress Amelia is wearing is the best proof, she had it custom made by James, it's the only one! As you can see, it fits her very well, and isn't it the same as that day?

-Yes, it is indeed the same dress that day, there's no mistaking it!

It's true that custom-made dresses don't fit everyone!

Amelia nodded to her assistant, who immediately handed her a document.

Amelia opened the file and insisted on showing it to the camera, saying:

-This is the agreement I signed with Brillantella, it clearly says that I will be the grand finale guest of GarzaBlanca, and it has Mr. Sarmiento's signature, so you can read it.

All the journalists gathered to take a look. The agreement was clearly written, and it was indeed true.

The journalists began to accuse Ana: -Why have you come to cause trouble?

-That's right, we're live!

-Come on somebody, get these people out!

Ana was furious:

-Are you blind? This woman is clearly not the one from that day.

-All right! They say that the eyes of the people are demanding, and you? Are you already paid by Amelia? Micaela's colleagues shouted loudly, making several journalists a little afraid to speak on the spot again....

Ana continued:

-The grand finale girl that day is called Micaela, designer of Nubcancion, and the reason she didn't come to the signing was because she was still an employee of Nubcancion!

Katarina also came downstairs at that time. When the reporters saw her, they immediately gathered around Katarina and rushed to ask:

What worried her was whether Micaela would come to


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