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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 : I have to find that damn guy!

When she was all dressed up, Alba went downstairs.

In the warm light, Carlos was sitting on the couch and when she heard movement, she looked over.

He had taken a shower too, in simple house clothes, surrounded by the faint smell of the gel mixed with his manly scent, so good it was addictive.

Alba's heart pounded again.

Then she walked over and sat on his left side.

-Miss Gilabert, can you tell me what you know now?

-Of course. But I still hope you won't look into it. You're very much in love now and it's better to let bygones be bygones.

As Alba saw that the look in his eyes was full of determination, she had to continue.

-Well, if you catch that person, be sure to tell me.

Alba hated him equally that man, who had caused Micaela so much pain.

In any case, her feelings for Micaela were true.

But Carlos spoke nothing, waiting for her to speak.

"I really wouldn't waste a single expression or word on another woman."

Alba began to count:

-That day was exactly two years ago, when I was in college, working part-time after school, and often not seeing her on the weekends....

Alba couldn't help but blame herself. She still cared very little about Micaela at that point, and it had been a few days since she found out she hadn't come to class.

She called her anxiously, but no one answered, so she called Marcos instead. That damn guy, he hadn't contacted Micaela for a few days either!

Alba hung up the phone angrily, and didn't say much to him. Then she started frantically calling Micaela as she went to the dorm to look for her, and her roommates were saying that she hadn't been back for a long time....

He thought something was wrong.

He immediately went to the small room rented by Micaela.

Since she had a part-time job in the evenings and the school was closed, she rented a small room off campus.

When she nervously arrived, she saw the door locked and the phone had not been answered. She knocked on the door, but had given up hope, thinking to look for her family Elvira, and finally the door opened.

Micaela had a haggard look on her face, which frightened Alba, and when she saw her, she couldn't stop crying.

Her eyes were so swollen that she must have been crying for a long time....

-What is it, Micaela?

Micaela stopped crying and said:

-I'm going to take a bath.

And then she went into the narrow bathroom....

It was November, and as there was no water heater, that day she rinsed herself with cold water until her skin turned purple and it could not be avoided....

Alba finally reacted to what had happened to her, and she was shaking with rage. Thinking that Marcos had fucked her, she was about to teach that scum a lesson, but Micaela said:

-It's not him...

Alba was dumbfounded. Micaela was very conservative and shy, after such a big incident, it was strange that she didn't collapse....

Alba shuddered and asked:


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