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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 : What about you, is it mine?

Alba saw that there was no longer sadness in Carlos's gaze, but a determined imperative, and she couldn't help but admire him because his emotions quickly adjusted.

-That's what I must do. I love Micaela.

"I love you too..."

Alba averted her eyes, feeling disgusted at what she had just thought in her heart!

Micaela was her best friend, so she had to erase this unseemly emotion.

As Alba went upstairs, Carlos sat back down on the couch and thought for a moment before getting up and going upstairs as well, opening Micaela's room, who was sleeping soundly with a red face.

After closing the door, Carlos first lifted the quilt under her feet to make sure her little feet were fully healed and not red and swollen before lying down beside her. She consciously leaned over and Carlos gently took her in his arms and kissed her forehead....

Carlos liked Micaela so much that looking at her and being near her made him feel happy.

She was too wonderful and perfect, so the god arranged such an eventful experience for her to meet him, but in the future, he would not let her suffer a bit....

"I must find that bastard and avenge her!"


In the morning, feeling a very slight movement, Micaela woke up and saw Carlos who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"He was here all night?"

She was instantly glad and hugged him from behind, who was putting on his shirt.

-Did I wake you up?

Carlos buttoned the last button, turned to hug her and, naturally, kissed her on the cheek.

-Carlos, how long are you going to be away on business?

-You don't want me to leave?

Ashamed to look at him, Micaela said:

-You don't want to leave me, do you?

-You can come with me.

As much as she wanted to go, she had a job and couldn't leave.

She shook her head and refused:

-I want to earn good money to keep your bread. Hahaha.

Carlos smiled slightly and rubbed her head:

-You have put all the money on my card, what will you do to support me?

Carlos was a little speechless at Micaela's actions. Once he received his salary at Nubcancion and Excelente Gusto, he sent a portion to the orphanage, the rest was transferred to his black card!

That card had an unlimited overdraft, but now it became a savings card!

-The card is mine to do with as I wish.

-Yes, the card is yours, the money is yours, and I am yours.

She blushed and felt joy at the same time. She got up, heading for the closet. And at this moment, the man followed her, leaning a hand on the closet and pressing his chest against her back, whispering in her ear:

-And you? Is it mine?

Micaela bit her lip and answered after a long moment:

-Of course...

Carlos gave her a firm kiss on the cheek and let her go.


When Alba came downstairs, Micaela was bringing breakfast to the table. While Carlos was talking on the phone, but his eyes were on Micaela.

After yesterday's incident, the two had grown even closer.


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