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My Four Miraculous Treasures novel Chapter 126

Lara beheld a tall, lean, well-built man in a bespoke black suit, radiating an aura of refinement and menace. Powerful legs propelled him across the floor of the lobby.

This fleeting glimpse of him was enough to leave her utterly stunned, rooted to the spot and staring blankly after him.

It was only after Jasper had already disappeared from view that she came back to her senses, and realized that she’d just caught sight of none other than the CEO of the Hughes Corporation himself.

She’d encountered him before, back at the village.

Previously, Lara had mistakenly assumed that he was Samantha’s boyfriend, but Willow had corrected her: He wasn’t Samantha’s boyfriend, he was in fact the CEO of Hughes Corporation.

Last night, he was the one who’d sent her daughter home.

Excited, Lara turned back to the receptionist. “That’s him! Could you please give him a call, for me?”

The receptionist balked at this. “That’s our CEO, Mr. Hughes. I’m afraid I don’t have his personal number. At most, I can only page his secretary’s office.”

Oh, no… perhaps this lady had a screw loose upstairs…?

Willow Nason was a humble cleaning woman. Jasper Hughes was an eminent business tycoon. How could the two possibly be involved with one another?

Ah, it was all those rumors, right? That had to be where this misunderstanding was coming from. Mr Ward had already sent around an internal memo about how Deborah Salt had been behind all that nonsense. There was no grain of truth in any of it.

There was nothing going on between Jasper Hughes and Willow Nason.

Hearing that the receptionist would not be able to help her reach Jasper, Lara fumbled about for a moment in confusion, then turned and hurried out after him.

Outside, she caught sight of him getting into a car, which drove off even as she started after it, leaving her choking on the tailpipe fumes.

She coughed terribly for a moment, fanning away the petroleum fumes.

Eventually, she decided to return to the front desk and leave a message for Jasper, informing him that she would be back to see him another day…

But then Willow came running out of the building. “Mom, what are you doing here?” Her daughter caught hold of her arm to support her, bewildered to see her here.

The receptionist had called to inform Willow that someone named Lara Smith had come in search of her. She’d rushed over immediately.


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