Dale took his hand away, and leaned down to kiss Willow. Just as his lips were about to touch hers…
Bam! The door to the storage room was kicked open violently.
As the sound reverberated through the room, Dale turned back to look, and saw the silhouette of a powerfully built man, outlined in the doorway. The man surged into the room.
Before he could identify the intruder, Dale was suddenly seized by the collar and thrown aside, so hard that he crashed against the wall.
He hit the wall with his back, so that a grunt of pain issued from his mouth, followed by a spray of blood.
Black leather shoes caught the light from outside as the intruder stepped up to him, and kicked him so hard that he slammed against the other wall, and then crumpled to the ground amid the rest of the trash in the storage room.
Dale coughed up another mouthful of blood.
Through her panic and terror, Willow realized that someone had pulled Dale off of her. Scrambling madly to her feet, she made a desperate dash for the open doorway.
She’d barely made it two steps before someone grabbed hold of her arm.
Caught in the grip of sheer terror, she whipped around and sank her teeth into the man’s shoulder, so hard that her jaw quivered.
She had to get away! She didn’t want this! She couldn’t let this happen to her!
She had to get out of here, get help from someone!
Five years ago, the exact same misfortune had befallen her, and to this day she continued to be traumatized by the experience of that horrible night. It often came back to her unbidden, choking her with the remembered fear, and making it hard to breathe.
She absolutely never wanted to go through another incident like that again.
Jasper stood there, with Willow’s teeth biting deep into his shoulder like iron nails. With heroic willpower and incredible pain tolerance, he didn’t so much as furrow his brow.
With deep, dark eyes, he observed the way that Willow was biting him with all her might, her whole body trembling from the effort.
It was just like that storm-wracked night, five years ago…
In a flash of realization, Jasper finally recognized Willow as the same woman from that night five years ago, who’d bitten him inside that darkened shed.
That moment had been carved into his memories. He’d instantly recognize her, anywhere.
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