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My Four Miraculous Treasures novel Chapter 128

Willow was dragged into a storage room on the basement floor. It was pitch-black inside.

Dale flicked a switch, and the light came on with a sharp pop. The room was a total mess, but in the middle of the floor, a large sheet of brown packing paper covered a single mattress, just large enough for one person.

The rest of the floor was strewn with discarded cardboard crates and linen sacks.

Surveying the room, Willow realized that Dale had planned and set this all up, ahead of time.

Heart hammering in her chest in a frightened panic, she fought and struggled to get free of him.

But Dale was much too strong for her. With one hand, he pinned both her wrists behind her back; with the other, he began forcefully choking the strength out of her body.

Like a kitten, she was lifted off her feet by the grip on her neck, completely helpless to save herself.

As he hauled her into the room, he picked up a coil of rope he’d already had waiting, and used it to tie her hands behind her back. Then he shoved her down onto the mattress.

Willow groaned in pain, feeling as though several of her bones had been broken from the impact. The gag in her mouth prevented her from making much sound.

Ignoring the pain, she pulled herself upright, scrambling to get her feet on the floor and herself out the door…

Dale caught her, and threw her back down again. With one large, oily hand, he wiped away some drool from the corner of his lips, leering down at her eagerly. He advanced upon her, one step at a time…

“Quit struggling, Lara… It’s all your fault that my wife left me… Now I’m all alone… You’ll just have to take her place!”

He didn’t even know that her name wasn’t actually Lara. His wife had gone to Hughes Corporation headquarters in search of a woman named Lara, and had even taken the matter to the police. By the time Mrs. White got home, she didn’t want to be Mrs. White anymore.

There had been nothing that Dale could say to her… Lara must have said something truly nasty about him to his wife!


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