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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Duke looked at Alden’s face first before he glanced al Melody in the past, lic used to think about how great it would be if Melody was his biological daughter ile had thought about it more than once

Hut it turned out that she really was his daughter.

No wonder he was not resistant toward Melody in the slightest. No wonder Melody called him “Daddy”

Miel, come to Daddy.”

Dhike Wave at her She moved out of her mother’s hand before she walked toward the bed

She stated at Duke’s arm with her big eyes. His drin was wrapped in gauge, but soine blood had oozed out. It looked a litile scary.

She extended her soft finger and gently touched the wound before she blew on it. “Daddy, are you in pain” she asked softly

Dike’s heart melted. “No, I don’t feel any pain.”

He held the girl in his arms and looked at Alden who was standing at the door

1 long time ago, he had found that this boy look like George. He used to think that they looked alike because they were cousins. Only not did he realize that they were biological brothers, and they were quadruplets.

Heased his arm and said in a low voice, “Allen, come here.”

Alden pursed his lips and slowly walked over before he lowered his head and said, “Uncle

Duke ralyd his eyebrows “Uncle Duke? Didn’t your miom tell you what to call me?”

Alden pursed his lips and cliented his fists

He remained silent without answering

My dad even complimenied you for being smart. You’re not very smart!* Harold scoffed and Sajd. “You should callbum ‘D ‘My dad’s your ca. You’re not as smart as me!

Alden silently rolliliis uyest hii

He had know that for a very long time, but Kjowing it and being willing to call ukend were wdifferent things

“Aldri. Harold’s right. You should call me ‘Dad” Duke raised his art and stroked Alden’s

at He took the opportunity to pull Alden over “I’ve been negligent over the past four years for the you and Mel without the protection and love from alather, but that won’t happen anymore I’ll protect you You and Me will have whatever Gore and llarold . ”

Harold blinke “Dad, why don’t we do this Let Alden lie your son, and I’ll be Mommy’s son | | With Morniny, okay?”

*Nu!” Alle rowned and interrupted him “I don’want to live with the Winters lamily” He moved out of Duke’s grip before he stood by Adina again Duke found himself sperhiless


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