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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 390

Chapter 390 He took out

of documents from the bedside cabinet and ussed it to Alden

Alden felt puzzled she surpted it when he flipped through the documents and gave them a look, he was instantly stunned “You’re giving me a company* “I told you You’ll have whatever George and Harold harve,” Duke id nonchalantly “I’ll

franse ankistant for you. If you need anything, just let him know”

Harold widened his

He had asked his father for a company for a long time, but his father just give it to Alden lilor

Oh, goshHe had lost his father’s love!

It turned out that love could not disappear, but it could be transferred!

Harold tell a great sense of CTISIS

Adina was standing at the door at first When she heard what Duke said, she subconsciously walked toward the bed

She cast a glance at the document, and when she crw the company name, she knew that it was an internet compuny dealing with software tehnology A company like that was not suitable for a boy

Yudes Alden was just four years old. She just wanted Alden to grow up without worry She Wi to wait for Alden to turn righteen before they talked about managing a company

just .. Adina was about to speak, George, who had remained silent for a long time, suddenly spolu

He looked like Duke the most Whenever his expression was sullen and he did not speak, they would look like two identical versions of chother

He a

. “Can also call Aunt Adin. Mom’ now?

As soon as he said that his can turn red Then, he felt embaravind lookinly

Adina suddenly found this boy quite adorable

Shrutin dowti, stred George in the eyes, and smiled gently “Of courv you can call the Mom | your mother



ane teary all of a sudden

Histov Wawre, and his yes were red A strange emotion began to fill his heart

He rould not help but rush into Alina’s anns and softly wry. “Mornity


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