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My Most Precious Human novel Chapter 136

I was sitting on the floor by my bed, holding the note from JD in my hand. I kept staring at it, processing the situation. He must have been somewhere nearby. He must have been watching me all the time. He must have known my every move, as if there was someone silently following me around. What if he really wanted to kill Jetta? Should I warn her? But warn her against whom…?

I was helpless. I wanted to go to Patrick and tell him about the note, but what if JD or someone working for him was watching me even at that moment? I had to calm down and act reasonably. Going straight to Patrick at that moment would only mark him as the one helping me. That would make the spy working for JD act cautiously around everyone from the Royal Army, and I couldn't risk losing my best chance of finding the spy's true identity. As much as ignoring the threat aimed at Jetta sounded cruel, that was the only thing I could do: act as if I had never received that note.

I got up from the floor, grabbed the black rose, and threw it into the trash bin. I was sick of this situation. I didn't have the slightest clue about who JD might have been. Why would he even want to kill Jetta? Was he trying to "help" me? Why the hell would he do that?

I was restless. I couldn't focus on anything. It took me two hours to pack my backpack, putting only a few basic things inside. I desperately needed to talk to someone, a friend. I felt that I would suffocate if I didn't hear a friendly voice. Before I knew it, I was holding my phone, picking Martha's number. She answered after the first signal as if she expected my call.

Instead of hello, she asked, "You are worried, aren't you?"

"We are leaving at dawn, but the upcoming battle isn't the only thing I am worried about…" I paused, hesitating whether to tell her about my stalker.

"Why? Is Draven bothering you?" She sounded concerned and agitated.

"Yes… but I can handle him," I chuckled.

"If not, I will go there and kick his ass!" she exclaimed confidently.

I laughed. I missed her pugnacity. I could picture her frowning face and sparkling eyes while she said those words.

"Better tell me what is going on in the Palace. I heard about the attacks…" I thought it would be healthier to change the subject.

"We're ok, Lilith. Don't worry about us." Her nervous laughter proved something completely opposite.

"Martha, you are a bad liar. Now tell me what the hell is going on inside the Palace, and don't you dare hide anything from me," I demanded decisively.

She sighed and paused, gathering her thoughts. "The King and most of the Royal Army left this morning to fight the degenerates… I heard that King Sariel received a package with the ripped body pieces of one of his most trusted soldiers. There was a note saying, ‘A gift from the New King.’ It was all covered in that poor guy's blood…"

"Do you know who it was?" I asked, thinking that I had probably met or heard of most of Sariel's trusted warriors.

"I think his name was Noah Gray," she replied.

I froze. I didn't have a chance to meet him, but he was once assigned to be my bodyguard. I remember when Patrick said that he was a commoner and that he was very skilled. He used to be trained by Leo, just like Patrick was, and now he was killed horribly. Chills ran down my spine when I thought that it could have been Patrick in his place…

"Do they know who wrote the note?" I inquired, still shaken by the fact of Noah's death.

"No… but there were some initials on the note, but that is all I know," she said.

The air hysterically escaped my lungs. My head started to spin. I already knew who wrote that card and who killed Noah, but I couldn't force myself to say it out loud.

"Anyway," Martha continued, "King Sariel left, and as soon as he did, Elora took over the Palace. Prince Kanan moved me to the west building so that I would be as far as possible away from that bitch."

"Jeez… Martha, are you sure you are ok?" I was once again struck by guilt for leaving her and Kanan in that awful place.

"Of course we are!" Martha swore agitatedly. "King Sariel granted me and Kanan protection before he left. We have our own bodyguards," she giggled teasingly.

I heaved a sigh of relief. Sariel must have known that Elora wouldn't waste time and use his absence to take control. I was grateful to him for giving my friends protection. At the same time, I was worried about him…


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