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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 14


'Uhhh. My head hurts.' Was the first thing that came to my mind, when I started getting consciousness.

'Of course, it hurts dumb ass, you almost got us killed.' Carla yelled at me, making it worse than it already was.

'Can you shut up for a moment woman? I am trying to open my eyes here.' I yelled back at her, making her roll her eyes at me before she sat in the corner doing god knows what.

'Uhhh...why is it soo hard to open my eyes? I can't even hear any whispering near me. Am I dead?' I asked.

'Am I dead Carla?' I asked her again.

Good, now she is ignoring me. Just fuckin great! this reminds me why am I even talking to her in the first place?

 Sometimes I really think, I need to go to see a psychiatrist and get myself thoroughly checked if there was something wrong with my mind.

Groaning at my failed attempt, I went still for a moment, trying to remember why I was in this position and situation, to begin with.

"She should be awake by now, why are the pills not working?" I heard a faint whisper coming from somewhere near me.

"I don't give a damn K! Either you try something else to wake her up, or I'll make sure you'll never be able to treat someone again." That voice yelled again, this time, a lot louder than earlier.

Whoever, this person was, his voice was strangely calming my nerves and easing my pain. 

Sighing, I tried one more time, to come out of this darkness of my mind, and it wasn't long when I was able to open my eyes. 

However, as soon as I opened my eyes, all I could see was pitch darkness surrounding me.

But, why was it soo dark, even when I have opened my eyes?

I looked around, flailing my hand on the bed that I was lying on, or should I say have been sleeping on. 

It was clear that my right side was empty since I couldn't even feel any warmth. But as soon as I moved my left hand, to my left side, that's when I felt it.

I don't know whether should I scream or just retreat my hand in horror. 

It was soo warm and hard, that there was no doubt it was a chest of a man and a bare one at that.

As if feeling my hands on his body, that man jerked before switching the lamp on his side.

"Victoria? Thank God damn it! You are awake, I don't know-" 

I screamed cutting him off mid-sentence when I looked at the state he was in.

He was lying there shirtless, showcasing his well-built torso, with those 6 abs, muscular arms, and as my gaze traveled downwards, he was just in his knickers that reached just below his knees.

"What...what are you doing in my bed?" I asked horrified.

"Your bed? Look around beautiful, it's my bed you are sleeping in." Alexander said as he smiled that sweet smile of his.

"You-your bed?" I stammered before looking around. It was indeed not my room.

I tried to sit up, to have a closer look at the massive room, when I felt the cold wind on my bare legs.

Wait! Bare legs?!

 Peaking inside the blanket, I looked at my attire, before screaming.

"What the hell did you do with me!!?" I yelled covering myself with the blanket again.

"Me? I didn't do anything. Let me explain." Alexander said as he tried to come closer to me.

"What do you mean by nothing? You are sitting there shirtless, with those knickers, all sweaty and I am here in your bed only wearing your oversized t-shirt!!? And you still dare to say, you didn't do anything!!" I yelled at top of my lungs.

"It's not what it looks like, Victoria. At least-" 

I cut him off mid-sentence, pushing him away, as I saw him near me.

"It's exactly what it looks like. Otherwise, why would I feel like this? My body is aching all over and wait, why the hell don't I remember anything?" I shouted before throwing a pillow at him.

"First, it's not my oversized t-shirt, it's a dress that I borrowed from one of my friend's girlfriend. Second, it was not me who changed you, but a trusted aunt of our house did. Third, I didn't do anything. I would never do anything with you, damn it!" Alexander yelled back, and I don't know why, for some reason, I felt a pang of hurt at his words.

Before I could say anything, the door of the room opened and Daniel came rushing in.

"Victoria, that's not what I-" Alexander started as I tried to near me again, but paused when he saw Daniel.


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