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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 16



'Carla? Are you there? Got any suggestions on what should I do at this moment?' I whispered inside my mind, my body starting to tremble with the uncertainty of my future.


'You only remember me when you are in deep shit, don't you?' Carla said still sitting in the corner of that black room, which apparently was my mind. 

Dark and hollow.


I wanted to laugh at my own thoughts and throw some snarky remarks back at her since I wasn't the one who asked the god to curse me with this telepathy or this weird woman in my head, but I knew now was not the time to go all haywire on this cursing thing.


I knew she might be the only one who could help me in this situation where I am stuck with this hungry wolf, alone in this forest, because of my stupidity.


Why didn't I listen to Daniel? Oh yeah, because I was too busy missing thunder and procrastinating about how Alexander saying those hurtful words didn't affect me.


'Now is not the time to discuss your bad blood with me woman! You do realize that if he eats me, there will be no you too, right?' I tried to reason with her.


'Huh! You are probably right. Okay. So let's start with the description of this wolf. Yellowish-red eyes, saliva dripping snout, rough hairs, and overall a dirty appearance. He is probably a rogue, that had entered the territory by tricking the border patrol and without the information of alpha. If i-'  I cut off her mid-sentence, with my own words of urgency,


'Can we just talk about how to tackle him? Or should I say, save our ass from becoming his dinner?' I yelled in my mind.


I wanted to listen to her nonsense, it was interesting, I swear. But I don't think we were really in a position where we could just sit and talk about these imaginary things like we are on some vacation. 


We have a task in hand of saving our sorry ass for god's sake!


'Huh! You are no fun.' Carla huffed before standing up from her place and coming into the center.


'Wait! Did you just change your dress? Can you even do that?' I asked mortified.


'Of course, I can. I am a free spirit, to begin with. Now if you are done, let's handle this situation first. Ask him to shift.' Carla said making me cough and look at her as if she had grown two heads.


'You are asking me to ask the wolf to shift? Shift to where? On top of me? Are you fuckin' insane?!' I yelled at her while looking at the wolf who had started to walk towards us, I mean towards me now.


'Jesus! Will you stop with this yelling? I am just inside your head.' she said holding her head.


'Look's like you are not ready yet. Gosh! I don't know how long will I have to stay hidden like this. Don't worry, you don't need to do anything. He is here.' Carla said as she sat back relaxed on the chair.


From where the hell did this chair appeared in my mind?



'Why are you sitting soo calmly? What happened to that shifting thing? What should I do? What am I not ready for? Were you seriously thinking of me fighting with a wolf almost my size? Do you think I am some medalled Bellicose?' I asked horrified at her trail of thoughts.


'And what do you mean by he is here? Who's-' I wasn't even able to complete my words when I saw a large wolf, almost triple my size jumping on that wolf out of nowhere.


Looking at the lush whitish fur, I think I knew who he was. 


It was my thunder who had come to save me! 

I knew he would find me! 



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