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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 31



To say I was pissed today, would be an understatement. 


Currently, I was sitting in this booth talking with my friends about the pack matters, which I am sure Victoria wasn't able to understand, by the look of her cute squinting face that she was scrunching from time to time as she sipped on some cola that Daniel had offered her.


Everything started good, with me flirting with Victoria in her house and would've even got a chance to hug her or maybe 'accidentally' kiss her? But everything got spoiled because my wolf couldn't take it, that we were trying to trick our mate.


All romantic scenes watched in movies on how to pursue your girl and make her heart flutter went to waste.


He wanted to come clean and don't want to do anything until I tell her everything.

I just don't understand what does he expects from our human mate.


I mean, does he think that I'll go tell a human girl that, 


'Hey! You are my soulmate, and we are meant to be together. And to add to that, I am a werewolf, you know, the supernatural who can turn into a wolf on a full moon? Well, I can turn anytime, and yeah one more thing, I am the alpha king, so will you be my queen?' 


Like seriously?


I am sure the girl would just slap me and run miles away from me thinking I am some kind of freak. 


It's not like I am not trying. I am trying my best to fill her heart with love so that things will become a bit easy-peasy for me. But, no! Even our mate is not helping me in that.


I don't know what goes in that cute little head of hers that whenever I try to show my concern, she just takes it as a sympathetic gesture. 


I mean, girl I freaking love you? And you are calling that pity? Though I can't blame her too much for it either, she has gone through a lot. 

At least she loves hunter, or thunder as she calls him.

He is very content with that, and it often makes me feel jealous of him.


The way he cuddles with her licks her and even can kiss her makes me jealous of him. And she is not any less, she also hugs him, ruffles his hair adoringly, kisses him, and sometimes even sleeps with him.


Ahhhh!!! She will surely turn me into a lovesick puppy who is on his way to becoming a real psychopath.


Coming back to the point, I was pissed because my mate wasn't making things easy for me in this club either.


'Did you know how she turned up at the club today!' I yelled in my mind trying to ease some of my frustration.


'Well, that's how everyone comes to clubbing. Get over it, jealous freak.' My wolf hunter chuckled, making me more frustrated in the process.


Of course, he would say that. He gets his token of love every day, the problem is with me!


'Yeah! That's the outfit, but not for her! Didn't you see how alluring she looked in that outfit? I felt like ripping those clothes and have my way with her then and there. I so wanted to mark her mine, to tell the whole world that she was mine.' I groaned before putting up my mental barrier to block hunter.


And, her outfit wasn't enough! She has to even talk with that bartender who was looking at her with a lust-filled gaze. It was as if, I wouldn't have been there, he would've surely taken her out today.


Luckily, he turned out to be a wolf and understood she was off limit, the moment he looked in my eyes, which I am sure were glowing with anger.


At that time when I was pulling her away and had thrown her onto the couch. 

Oh god! What a perfect chance it was to devour those lips and punish her for her little mischief, but no! That also has to be ruined with my group that entered and made things awkward for us.


And did I mentioned Daniel? He is always hovering around my mate like he is her mate or something. 


He did say one day that she was his mate, I don't know what goes in that head of his. 


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