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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 69


"Vic? Victoria?" 

"Victoria darling?"

"Why isn't she waking up, Theodore? I will never be able to forgive myself if something happened to her today." 

"Victoria, wake up damn it. You are scaring everyone now!" 

Uhhh.…why these people are so loud.

'Victoria, I need to tell you something about Alexander. You know he is not himself these days and is behaving quite model, right? Well, I am not sure if my guess is right, but I think it's because--' I heard Carla speak, however, her voice was cut off when I felt cold water splashing on my face.

"What the heck!" I shouted, opening my eyes as I blinked them to improve my sight and look around who dared to annoy me.

"Look, I knew it was the only way." I heard Daniel speaking from my right, making me glare at him as everyone chuckled along with him.

What was happening?

Gazing at Rosaline's teary eyes, I suddenly remembered the events that happened before I fainted, making me sit abruptly.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked Daniel, looking for any sign of injury or anything.

"That, we need to talk about this. But later, okay?" Daniel whispered in my ears, and I nodded at him, smiling at everyone in approval when they asked about going back to the mansion.

'Alexander Hunter, I think now is the time for revenge. You hurt my friend, now you'll see what I am going to do with your beloved.' I thought resolutely before sitting inside the car.


"It's almost night, Daniel, what was so important and secretive that you needed me here in the woods. You do know that I need to be back for dinner, don't you?" I asked Daniel for the umpteenth time.

"Sshh...I am trying to hear if anyone is close to us, who might hear our conversation." Daniel said.

'Well, you could've told me that half an hour ago. I could've used my powers and checked that.' I thought, crying without tears when my stomach rumbled.

"So here's the thing. We all know that Alexander ordered to throw me out of the mansion, didn't he? And I should've been out of the pack and here already, right?" He asked, holding my shoulders as if making me understand a great physics phenomena.

"What about that?" I asked quizzically, all of my attention on him now.

"Don't you find it weird? The alpha king ordered to cease the pack bond and link, but nothing happened. I know I did felt that pain, but when I opened my eyes, I could still hear everyone's thoughts. Don't you find it strange?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know much about these things. What if Theodore protected your pack bond by talking to Alexander about it? He is the council head." I shrugged.

"No, Victoria. You don't seem to understand. A council head doesn't have that power to null a king's order." Daniel said.

"Can you come to the point, please? I don't have enough patience to play 'guess the reason' with you." I couldn't help but say.

"Huh...when it comes down to food, you surely become stupid. You are hungry. I get it, but can you concentrate? I think Alexander didn't use his power when he gave those orders, or maybe he restricted his powers and said those words casually, or this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't be here in this forest if he had used his power." Daniel said.

"Then are you by any chance implicating that Alexander doesn't want to hurt us deliberately?" I asked, making Daniel nod.


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