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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 70


"What the hell is this? Is this what you guys eat?!" I exclaimed, remembering the incident from the club when Alexander had made the manager throw all the drinks out.

"What is it that offended our lady queen?" Alexander scoffed, ready to take a bite from his food, however, his hand was stopped by Laila,

"Wait, Alexander, I don't think I can eat here in so much commotion. Can we eat in my room or your room?" Laila asked, placing her hand on his biceps seductively.

You've got to be kidding me!

"Why? Why can't you eat here in so much commotion?" I asked before kicking the chair away.

"Or, is it that you specifically don't want to eat this food that is poisoned?" I asked, gazing straight into her eyes, and the flicker of emotions that passed through her eyes didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Miss Victoria, I know you have a feud with miss Laila, but you can't question my loyalty to the palace like this. I have been working for his household for the last 50 years." Cody said, his eyes scrunching in anger.

"When did I say it's your fault? I know you guys can't see it, but I can see the poison in the food." I paused before looking at Theodore, who might understand my preposition.

"I see the pink tint in the food," I said, looking directly at Theodore and visibly relaxed when I saw his eyes widening in shock.

"Victoria, do you mean that it contains-" Theodore started, but I wasn't patient enough for him to put two and two together.

Strolling towards Laila, I held her hands before pulling them behind her and tying them with the chair cloth.

"I will prove it to you guys since not many of you will be able to understand," I said before taking the steak and forcing it down Laila's throat.

"Victoria!! What is this behavior? You stop what you are doing this instant, or I assure you that I'll make your life miserable!" Alexander said before rushing towards me and lunging at me to punch me, and I knew this was the best time to test my proposition.

Leaving Laila's face, I bent backward before kicking Alexander with all the power I could muster, and it didn't amaze me when Alexander was sent flying to the other side before his back hit the pillar, making it tremble.

Though it was within my expectations, it didn't mean that everyone was ready for that.

"So, as I was saying-" I started before slicing a cut on Laila's hands, and as I had guessed, it didn't heal immediately, "- this food was poisoned with a witch spelled potion that stops a werewolves healing capability." I finished.

Before looking towards Alexander. I think we have a lot to catch up on now.



"Hello, Robert." I heard a whisper in my ears and couldn't help but jolt awake as I looked around before rolling my eyes when I saw the old witch sitting on a chair not too far.


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