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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 146

The next day, Jiang Zhe sent a driver to Ning Ran’s workplace to fetch her and bring her to Nan Chen’s office.

Nan Chen was wearing a black tuxedo in his office when Ning Ran opened the door and walked in. He was momentarily stunned.

He had assumed Nan Xing’s identity and had put on a white tuxedo to meet Ning Ran twice. Those interactions felt different from the one he was having at that time.

The only consistency had been that sweet tangerine scent.

Nan Chen had tried to run away from that scent for years, but he never succeeded.

Ning Ran scanned Nan Chen. For some reason, she found Nan Chen to be less distant that day.

It must’ve been my misconception. Ning Ran thought.

Jiang Zhe was as polite as ever and asked, “Please take a seat, Ms. Ding. Would you like tea or coffee?”

“She doesn’t like either,” said Nan Chen.

Ning Ran was stunned. I didn’t even answer. How would you know if I like it?

Or are you implying that I am not worthy of the coffee you serve?

“Coffee,” said Ning Ran, “Two large cups of coffee, please. I’m parched.”

Nan Chen was startled. So this is what the legendary saying ‘drinking like a cow’ meant. Two large cups of coffee?

Jiang Zhe was also flabbergasted. Does she really want to drink so much coffee or was she just being angry?

That being said, an employee of Nan Chen knew how to deal with it either way. He prepared a cup of coffee for Ning Ran and said, “Please enjoy this coffee one cup at a time.”

If you want more, I can refill it for you. That’ll solve the problem!

Nan Chen cleared his throat.

“Oh yes. Ms. Ding, we invite you over today to ask you about your wedding preferences. I am the person in charge of planning the wedding so if you have any requests, please do let me know.”

Ning Ran had just taken a sip of coffee. Upon hearing that, she almost spat everything out.

“What wedding?”

Jiang Zhe turned to Nan Chen as he thought Darn, the bride has no idea what’s going on? Isn’t that a little extreme?

“The wedding between you and Young Master Nan Xing, of course,” replied Jiang Zhe.

“Who said I’m marrying him?”

Jiang Zhe was terrified as he though Whoa! Your wedding has nothing to do with me. This is all Mr. Nan Chen’s orders!

“I did,” said Nan Chen.

“You said so?”


“As if you get to decide who I marry?” demanded Ning Ran angrily.

“Yes, I do,” said Nan Chen with a straight face.

“Who do you think you are? You’re mistaken if you think that you get to decide who I marry!”

“No mistakes,” said Nan Chen frankly, “It is my decision to make.”

Ning Ran felt like she was going crazy with anger.

Even if we do live in a feudal society, my wedding would still be managed by my parents, not you!

“I refuse to!”

“So you mean you have no preference? Alright then, they’ll make all the decisions and arrangements,” said Nan Chen as he waved his hand, “You may leave now.”

“That is not what I mean!” shouted Ning Ran, “I meant I refuse to get married!”

“If you refuse to get married, I’ll go to the lawyer’s office tomorrow and request for the custody of the children,” said Nan Chen harshly, “The kids will move into the Nan Family while you are locked out.”

There it is! The Killer Move!

That was the real Nan Chen, the way he had always been.


“I didn’t like the idea of Nan Xing marrying you either, but I have to think of the kids.” “This is the one and only chance I will give you.” “I won’t let you think about it. If you refuse to do as I say, if you leave this room, you will lose your children.”

Nan Chen spoke slowly. He rarely spoke that much, and the words from his lips were like ice stakes – cold, harsh, and deadly.

Ning Ran felt the intense urge to kick that man, but she knew she couldn’t.


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